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Sea Toads


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I was chatting to Ted the other day and sea toads came up. I mentioned a story from a few years back where one took an estimated 40 cm flattie I'd hooked in the vicinity of our fishing exploits the other night.

So I thought I'd throw these old pics up for interests sake.


Oops ! wrong file

Here we go -

flathead remainder


I kept the head for a pic at home


The culprit (about 70cm long)




They have an awesome set of chompers.

We caught about 5 of them that day. It was a bit of fun with the first one as it naturally chewed through the net in about 5 seconds and had to find a way to get it from the floor before the kids lost their toes :lol:

Pics are taken from a vid so no too clear.

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thats awsom. i found you get afew of them when northerlies blow down the bay. we quite oftern get them trolling for mackeral while using rapala magnums. they fight well too and they actually double as good bait to chase hammerheads with believe it or not.

that is the first time i have herd of one eating a live fish coming to the boat, esicially a 40cm lizard :blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink::blink:

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prett mad :o iv herd that they can bite though hooks... a guy up the reef shot one a couple of years ago and he was trying to get it off the spear and it took a chunk out of his hand about the size of a 20cent piece haha



:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: . classic, revenge of the toad

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prett mad :o iv herd that they can bite though hooks... a guy up the reef shot one a couple of years ago and he was trying to get it off the spear and it took a chunk out of his hand about the size of a 20cent piece haha



:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: . classic, revenge of the toad

wow thats crazy! pretty big bite

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Haha cool I caught one up at hervey bay but was only about 20cm long

Had no idea what it was and didn't have a pic to ask ppl

Was holding it in one hand pulling the hook out of it's mouth in the dark

Won't be doing that again lol

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I got a few clean bite-offs up at Inskip over Easter which I suspect were these guys. We used to get them quite regularly (unfortunately) at Hervey Bay when we went there for Xmas as kids. I remember one year we arrived and heard that one had bitten a ladies toe clean off while swimming a couple of weeks earlier. Imagine that!!!!!!!

Also got some big ones years ago on a charter off the inside of Fraser. We always used to ensure they weren't swimming real well when the went back in the water (if you know what I mean ..) and so were surprised when the charter skipper gaffed it once through the body, cut the hook and then hurled it in the air. We thought for sure he'd give it a more thorough working over as they aren't scared away from the area easily. Then, as it tumblbed horizontally in the air and made it's way back towards the water, the skipper gaffed it again (yep, in mid air while it was twisting and turning), flicked it in the air again, and proceeded to do this 6 or so times before finally tossing it into the water, where it wasn't looking so full of life. He did this with 3 or 4 that we caught and judging by his skill level, had done it plenty of times previously!!!!

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Got one of scarby last weekend, Again thought it was a good snap he would have gone 70cm easily he didn't even fit in our net! they really do put up a good fight good fun to catch until you can see the fish :( We find if u catch one you will probably end up catching more :S


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went to mud is today and they were plenty of them around. one big one followed a small grassy up that i hooked and was taking chomps at it. then just sat at the back off boat for a few minutes. had a few random bust offs today which i also think was them. Did manage to hook one up and put up a great fight, with the only result being a bent 4/0 hook :S nasty creatures.

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went to mud is today and they were plenty of them around. one big one followed a small grassy up that i hooked and was taking chomps at it. then just sat at the back off boat for a few minutes. had a few random bust offs today which i also think was them. Did manage to hook one up and put up a great fight, with the only result being a bent 4/0 hook :S nasty creatures.

That prob explains what took the two snelled hooks in my large live bait at Mud on Monday undetected. Didn't think a shark would bite straight through without bending the rod or taking a slight bit of line.

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Here's my one off Colsmlie jetty (again!)



This is one weard fish :dry:

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