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Plenty of snakes, bugger all bass.


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Went for a bit of a drive today and had a peek at some new likely spots to hit before the seasons end.

Some of these spots look really fishy, and Monday won't come round fast enough.

Any way, I went for a bit of an arvo flick when I got home, and there is one particular spot that always seems to hold a snake or 2. I'm normally pretty cautious when I'm flicking there.

I stood on a snake there 3 days ago (little scrub python, but still a heart starter. :dry: )

So I'm flicking away and hook up to a nice mid 20's bass when I feel something on my shoulder. I turn my head to the right and there's a bloody tree snake hanging off a branch trying to climb onto my arm :ohmy: .I give him a swift flick and send him soaring into the the next branch.

A few more casts, another little bass on, I just get the hooks out of its mouth and put it back in the water and notice movement out in front of me ( a little head just above the water line.)

Have a closer look it's a 3 or so foot brown swiming strait at me. :ohmy:

Needless to say I moved pretty damned quick up the bank then realised I'd left my backpack with all my lures etc down the bottom. :dry:

I took a nice fat stick with me and hit the ground before treading anywhere, picked up my bag and ran back up the bank.

Might leave the spot alone for a few days I think.

I moved down to the next pool and lost a good fish so I packed it in.

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I almost stepped on a 1.5-2m brown snake the other day with my mate. Only realised once it was between me and my friend walking. I was like "Woah woah woah... Keep walking...." as I backed up slowly. He S-Bended his head at us in aggression then pissed off into the bush. Certainly gets the heart raising :) I love snakes, personally and if it was a python of common tree snake I would hang around and check it out but Browns?? No thank you.

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:S Talking of snakes Bill i was helping Dad around the pool and went to grab the acid next to the pool pump, as i bent over to lift the cover off there looking at me was a 2mtr Snake. :ohmy: My hand was about a foot away from its head :blink:

I moved the snake with a very long pool net and chucked it over the next door nabors :woohoo:



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Yeah I heard your old saying something about that. Don't ya like the people next door. :)

They are ok we have Aus living next door to us, just thought they might want there snake back :lol::lol:;)

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Lol bloody snakes hey, i love reptiles but snakes freak me out, ive had a few close encounters including taking a shower and hearing a funny noise above me, i looked up to see a snake coiled around the shower head, nearly ripped the shower door right off i jumped out so fast lol, turned out to be a common python.

yeah Lake samsonvale is home to a great many snakes so i usualy thump the ground with a branch whenever im walking thru the bush to find a new fishing spot, aparently snakes set their jaw bone on the ground to feel vibrations generated by animals walking nearby. making alot of vibrations from stomping or bashing the ground with a branch should scare em off.

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Lol bloody snakes hey, i love reptiles but snakes freak me out, ive had a few close encounters including taking a shower and hearing a funny noise above me, i looked up to see a snake coiled around the shower head, nearly ripped the shower door right off i jumped out so fast lol, turned out to be a common python.

yeah Lake samsonvale is home to a great many snakes so i usualy thump the ground with a branch whenever im walking thru the bush to find a new fishing spot, aparently snakes set their jaw bone on the ground to feel vibrations generated by animals walking nearby. making alot of vibrations from stomping or bashing the ground with a branch should scare em off.

Thats what I've always done, walking the banks of the Condamine and about a million miles of scrub out west. Walk with a heavy foot to scare them away....but still keep your eye's peeled.

Fighting a brown snake that tries to climb into your backpack to find the Gulps is another matter though !!!

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Lol bloody snakes hey, i love reptiles but snakes freak me out, ive had a few close encounters including taking a shower and hearing a funny noise above me, i looked up to see a snake coiled around the shower head, nearly ripped the shower door right off i jumped out so fast lol, turned out to be a common python.

yeah Lake samsonvale is home to a great many snakes so i usualy thump the ground with a branch whenever im walking thru the bush to find a new fishing spot, aparently snakes set their jaw bone on the ground to feel vibrations generated by animals walking nearby. making alot of vibrations from stomping or bashing the ground with a branch should scare em off.

Thats what I've always done, walking the banks of the Condamine and about a million miles of scrub out west. Walk with a heavy foot to scare them away....but still keep your eye's peeled.

Fighting a brown snake that tries to climb into your backpack to find the Gulps is another matter though !!!


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Lol bloody snakes hey, i love reptiles but snakes freak me out, ive had a few close encounters including taking a shower and hearing a funny noise above me, i looked up to see a snake coiled around the shower head, nearly ripped the shower door right off i jumped out so fast lol, turned out to be a common python.

yeah Lake samsonvale is home to a great many snakes so i usualy thump the ground with a branch whenever im walking thru the bush to find a new fishing spot, aparently snakes set their jaw bone on the ground to feel vibrations generated by animals walking nearby. making alot of vibrations from stomping or bashing the ground with a branch should scare em off.

Thats what I've always done, walking the banks of the Condamine and about a million miles of scrub out west. Walk with a heavy foot to scare them away....but still keep your eye's peeled.

Fighting a brown snake that tries to climb into your backpack to find the Gulps is another matter though !!!


LMAO, bloody snakes, ive heard they can smell Gulps from a few Kms away :lol:

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A few more days like today and some frosts out west - they will be scarcer.....I hope :unsure:

I dunno about that, I went for a look down the creek at about 6am this morning, there was a good frost on the ground, then when I got to the patch where I've been seeing most of the snakes there were 2 curled up on the bank.

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