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11/05/11 Girlfriend was out of town :)


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Hi all.(first of all, i am just into fishing for a month, beginner)

Girlfriend was out of town, was alone at home. After the lecture i went to pinkenba to fish. Maybe it was tide, got only bites from todas.....because this was the fishing trip that i planned for days, cannot accept getting nothing and heading home, so i went to the jetty in shorncliffe. Got couple of breams just but not takers. around 23 cms. And then i kept snagging for no reason. I am a "snag master", i can snag more than 10 times everytime i went to pinkenba. but in shorncliffe it was strange. everytime, i struggled with the snag for some minutes, still cannot manage to get out, i will cut the line, and everytime i will just loose itself for no reason. i asked the guy next to me, he said that might be a crab or something. And one time, i managed to pull up, but i was really dark, just saw a large white thing, at the moment it was out of the surface, then gone.

Because it was fun that night, then i was thinking some morning fishing. Head back home at 10, studied for 2 hours, sleep, get up at 3.30am, back to jetty of shorncliffe. GUESS WHATS NEXT? NOTHING THERE!!!!! for 4 hours, just 3 bites. But still thanks for the beautiful sunrise and 747 landing, it was good to go there in the morning.

Afternoon, head back to pinkenba at the in coming tide, got few small breams. Which i was surprised that they fight hard, no matter how small they are. there was one i thought might be over 28 cm, but it turned out to be 15cm.....

Plz not laugh at me, i am just a new beginner, and no one tute me and i manage to learn it all by myself.

( PS: all the fish has returned to their homes with good cared. in the jetty, i managed to pull up a sandy crab. it was big, but returned it because not sure how to measure it, wanna take no risk of taking undersized ones. I am glad i did it, because soon there was a patrol man there to ask me whether i got something.)








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Hey mate,

Welcome to the site and even more so for startng the beautiful (sometimes ugly) thing that is fishing. I'd like to personally say well done for not getting over excited and keeping everything you catch when you're unsure on the legal sizes etc. Skim through this site and you'll learn heaps mate. I sure have.

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@all people above

Thanks for your time to read!!! Really appreciated!!

The bait i use is chicken hard, you can get them from sunnybank. I found that fish really like them,,,at least at this period of time, my friend and i managed to pull up eel, catfish,breams, sandy crab,tailor and if it was, ray. So i guess fish like them...

Really wanna try live bait, but have no nets, and dont know how to cast them, so i am trying different baits.

Octopus is not good, at least for most of time. I tried it for different places, got some bites from redcliffe and brisbane river besides UQ, but not pikenba, didnt get one bite.

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PS: Can anyone plz give me some advice where to go can be potentially productive? I am planning a fishing trip with an other mate on this saturday. Not for feed but for fun.

Because dont want to travel 30 kms and got only couple bites....I understood the fishing spots are "personal assets", but can u give me a light on how to find them? THX!!!

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PS: Can anyone plz give me some advice where to go can be potentially productive? I am planning a fishing trip with an other mate on this saturday. Not for feed but for fun.

Because dont want to travel 30 kms and got only couple bites....I understood the fishing spots are "personal assets", but can u give me a light on how to find them? THX!!!

Hello mate, nice report.

Check out the rest of the 'All Brisbane Rivers and Creeks Reports' thread for reports for ideas on techniques and areas to fish. ;)

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