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Broadwater tailor plus


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Hi Guys, well the plan was to see if the Tailor had turned up yet in the Broadwater yet and yes they have only small fish once you leave the Seaway but they are there and should improve over the coming weeks as long as they avoid the net fishermen.

We did manage 3 just legal Tailor.

A bit of an expensive day really, 4 lures down all to fish.

A double hook up to 2 very good fish straight around a channel marker, that was the end of them.

2 more lost when we found a school of large Hairtail, did land 2, 1 with his tail bitten off and another just under 120cm.

Best fish was a 54cm GT on 3lb crystal Fireline using a popper, popper was given to me by my good friend Simmy.

Now i know you shouldn't complain about things you get given for free but Simmy i always thought poppers were surface lures, the one you gave me sinks but it does catch good fish so i have no complaints.

Today was what i hope is the start of a good winter fishing season, cheers wayne




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Hi Kreel, last years Tailor season on the beach was terrible down here but we always get a good run of tailor in the Broadwater at this time of year, i think they come in chasing Gar.

Interesting about what you say about fishing after a flood, the fishing down here has certainly been above average this year so far since all that rain.

Lets hope your mate is right and we can all have some fun, cheers wayne

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