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Garmin 300C fish symbols on/off?... What ?

Mr FeLiX

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Morning, afternoon, whatever it is.. :ohmy:

Anywho, first things first. I have a Garmin 300C sounder unit on my 3.4Mtr Stessl, and whilst t's a great unit, I find that the 'fish symbols' seem to be bogus! I posted a similar question before, downloaded the manual, checked youtube etc and still can't figure out how to switch off the symbols and just have the traditional arches showing? :pinch:

Mind you, I really don't get along with technology... :blush:

If anyone could please point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful


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Sonar Setup

To change the sonar settings:

From the Home screen, select Full Screen > MENU > Sonar Setup.

• Color Scheme—select White or Blue. This affects the background on sonar screens.

• Fish Symbols—sets how the sonar interprets suspended targets.

Suspended targets appear as

symbols with background information shown, making the distinction between fish and structure easier.

Suspended targets appear as

symbols with background information shown. The target depth of each symbol is also indicated.

Suspended targets appear as

symbols with no background information shown.

Suspended targets appear as

symbols with no background information shown. The target depth of each symbol is indicated.

Mate thats all I could find on it, which reads to me as you can't turn it of.... :S

Doesn't sound right to me, so I will keep looking for you

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ok, I just had a look at mine, here is how to turn them off

In the menu, scrool down to CONFIGURE



ALARMS should already be hi-lighted



scroll down to FISH



scroll up to OFF



now just hit menu a few times to get back to the main screen. That should get rid of those pesky fish and you can start actually reading the sonar properly. Try youtubing ' how to read fish finder' or something like that to get some good tips. Hope this helps

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