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Boggy creek 17.05.11


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Hey folks, went down to boggy creek for a quick flick on the run out. Plenty of whiting and of decent size still held in the waters further up the way from the bridge. 26cm biggest of the day all the rest (about 6) still hitting 25cm. All went back to swim again cause I was just after a fish not a feed, but on what was to be my last cast for the day I finally got something that felt decent on a soft placcie, tried to keep it away from any fallen branches and drift wood and then my rod snapped. So it really was my last cast of the day. Bugger. Anyways, good fishing to you all.


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New rod indeed, also I have some pics I have yet to put up one includes the giant evacuation from behind (hmmm or is it underneath, being a fish and all) a whiting shot at my shorts, he seriously sprayed on me from about a foot and a half away !

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