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Out fishing the pin with old mate again.


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After days spent fixing the boat (and finally getting it finished,) we got out for a fish and we could finally get the boat back up to 25-30knts :woohoo: .

Anywho, we fished round the dead logs near swan bay. I was running 2 set ups, one bait one lure.

This ended pretty quick as every time I put the bait rod down for a flick of a placcie the bait got smashed. We used a mix of mullet, prawns, and bonito for baits.

First up was a little breambo on a prawn, only 26 to the fork so I dropped him back into the drink.

I though I'd try some mullet strip after that. Put the rod down and grabbed the diablo for a flick of a slick rig when the bait rod got hit hard and line started peeling off.

I wound up the diablo quick smart and picked up the bait stick after a short but spirited fight I boated a healthy looking Grassy going 33. A new PB and First time I've ever caught one of these guys so I was pretty stoked.

Gently placed him back and off he shot.


Put on another mullet strip, put the rod down again within 10 mins it got smacked again. This time a 30cm whiting had taken a swipe at the bait and was foul hooked in the gill, tried to swim him but he was spent so was kept for bait. Off come the fillets, cut down into strips. So I put one of them on and threw out. Nothing happend for a little while ( I got in 8 or 9 casts of the placcie,) then the bait was hit again. This time it felt more sizable, turns out it was a bloody 32 cm tailor.

Quick pic and he was put back.


The tailor was kind enough to leave the bait intact so back it was sent, another 10 mins past and I get a light couple of taps then a solid thud. A small 32cm flatty came into the boat.


Poor old mate still hadn't picked up a fish, dunno what he was doing wrong, he fished the same baits I did, different hooks is all.

Finally after another 1/2 hour he got hit by something big, then he got bricked and lost his whole ri :unsure: g.

Tide slowed up by then so we moved around to giants grave (hoping for and encounter with a jewie)

It seems all the fish had left, not much on the sounder, but we sat and persisted anyway.

He finally did pick up one thing... A dirty old shovely about 60cm. Put on a good show anyway.

We meanded our way back to the dock looking for more fish on the way, but they were very thin, and the dog leg around the corner from the power lines was only 1.9ft, so we had to go real easy through that.

Got back in about 4pm.


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Grassies at the pin ! whats next, snaps ? Seriously though, is this common. Ive fished the pin for over 20 years and have never seen one caught

It's an odd catch huh? I picked up a small mouth nanny last year near the shacks at slipping sands, I thought that was odd.


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Nice fish mate! YEah any word fro kiwi?

i spoke to him last night for about 30mins, he got some abusive p.m's from 2 people, ( you no who you are, and he decided it would be best to deleate his profile the get kick off.

Ahh ok, I didn't know about it.

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Nice mixed bag, it is amazing what fish can pop up in the most unexpected places. Trout in the norht end of the bay, crayfish and spanner crabs at Peel, red emporer behind Green .... the joy of fishing the salt. Ya just never know what ya gonna get Forest :woohoo:

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Grassies at the pin ! whats next, snaps ? Seriously though, is this common. Ive fished the pin for over 20 years and have never seen one caught

We have caught several around the canals at Jacobs Well, and a few squire in there as well so they must swim through the Pin area to get there.


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There's a few places to get snapper and grassies just north of the pin between russel and stradie

Grassies at the pin ! whats next, snaps ? Seriously though, is this common. Ive fished the pin for over 20 years and have never seen one caught
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I thought there must be tugger. Ive been looking hard using nearmap to find some rubble bottom but its hard to tell the difference between rubble and weed. The northern end of the green zone that runs up the side of straddie between russel looked promising once upon a time

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Look for the rock cliffs on stradie where there is a good anchorage ( in brownies beacon to beacon )and the bottom is littered with large boulders and old trees

Then also in cobby passage where there is a 3 way junction is a deep hole to 20m with a rock and rubble bottom but the tide is heavy through here i i tend to fish it an hour either side of the change

Couple of good spots for the state of origin when its down the pin as they are both protected from heavy winds

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