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Portland Victoria (Expicit Language sort of) SBT


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After my little trip to 1770 I was on a plane Friday arvo and off to Melbourne to meet up with ,mates from NSW and Victoria, after a few hickup (never try to get through security to get into Qantas club with filleting knives in your bag :blush: ) we were in the car heading for Portland. Few beers and stopping for fuel and food and 6 hours later we arrived around midnight. Thankfully we only had a 7:45 start.

We went down to the warf to meet up with Sharkmen charters. Well the first words out of the operators mouth was"look at this f@cking Nob in boardies and thongs. Don't you know you're in F@cking Victoria and it's f@cking could out here, we initially though it was in good humour, well how wrong we were.

The wind was blowing about 25 knots with 4m swells off the headland. Once we were in deep water the lures were set, 8 rods all up, now think about 8 lines and gusts around the 30 knot range. After a few more choice words (by all means I can swear with the best of them but not infront of a client or so much that it would make a sailor blush)the lures were trolling along with one every now and then being tangled, we all made sure we pointed it out to the deckie to save him the barage.

First hookup was after about 20 min followed quickly by the second and third. first 2 fish were around 12 kilo and gave a bit of a fight for my mates who very occasional fishermen. The 3 fish was a horse, my mate who has caught 100lbs marlin and 20 kilo Kingies was struggling and 40-50 kilo tuna calls were being thrown around the skipper and deckie. Anyway my mate was having a hard time getting back the 200m of line lost in seconds. Eventually after about 15 minutes of being man handled by the skipper and the fish the skipper takes the rod away from my mate saying he's fowl hooked the fish and he's going to lose it. Within seconds the skipper locks up the drag and loses the fish, well to say there were 5 very unimpressed guys is an understatement.

After that it took about another 2 hours to get onto another fish, all the time being abused by the skipper for either standing in the door way (he never said we couldn't) or for being in the cabin (apparently he's claustrophobic) or having him hurling abuse at the deckie for the smallest thing.

Now we were booked in for a full day charter and were supposed to finish at 3:30. At about 1 we had our quota of 10 fish so we thought great now we can catch and release for the next 2 hours, OOOOO no, he pulled in all the lines and that was it, back at port 2 hours early. He doesn't see the point in C&R so he won't let you do it. Why catch a fish if you're not going to kill it was his comment.

Anyway he did manage to put us onto the fish when other charters struggled to get 2 or 3 fish.

Looked like i was going to be a cracker of a day


Mate hooked into a monster


8 of the 10 caught, all around the 12 kilo range


Me with my catch


Hands down the best tuna I've ever eaten!!!!

Next trip was meant to be tomorrow with Outlaw Charters but has been postponed till next Tuesday due to bad weather.

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Wayne is a fantastic fella and you would be hard pressed to get another skipper that has the knowledge and ability to find you fish down that way and also around Bermy if he still does the seasons over there.

His vocabulary can be a bit explicit but thats just how he is and has been all his life.

I used to fish and drink with Wayne 20 odd years ago before he setup the charter business and its great to see he is still going at it.

Nice lot of SBT you guys got,they are an incredible fish to catch and eat.

Shame you didnt get into any of the 100kg plus fish that have been lurking down that way this season but I guess if the seas were up you didnt get to the shelf.

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Wayne is a fantastic fella and you would be hard pressed to get another skipper that has the knowledge and ability to find you fish down that way and also around Bermy if he still does the seasons over there.

His vocabulary can be a bit explicit but thats just how he is and has been all his life.

I used to fish and drink with Wayne 20 odd years ago before he setup the charter business and its great to see he is still going at it.

Nice lot of SBT you guys got,they are an incredible fish to catch and eat.

Shame you didnt get into any of the 100kg plus fish that have been lurking down that way this season but I guess if the seas were up you didnt get to the shelf.

By all means he got us onto some great fish and like I said some other charters didn't get more than a couple fish but telling us to get the **** out of his way and saying to his deckie "I don't talk to guys on the radio when these ****s are in the cabin" with my mate being the only other person in the cabin is hardly the way to treat a customer. I would NEVER go out with him again. I'm not a sensitive person but when we're paying $300 each and getting abused by the skipper and having him take the rod off someone very capable of landing huge fish, well it's just not on and I'll vote with my dollars.

The Tuna is superb, even compared to some 5 star restaurants thhie fresh stuff beats the pants off it. 10 seconds each side on a molten pan and it's like eating into air.

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