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Tugger Rock even has a bad day occasionally !!!!!


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Yesterday,Mark-Tugger,Jnewy and myself went back to Tugger Rock, as Mark had done at exactly the same time and the exact spot he had been the day before. Pb's, Knobbies, quality fish like not seen before over many years. What Mark didn't exactly say outright was that he caught nearly all of the fish pictured in his post.

So there we were, sun coming up. high expectations and we couldn't loose a bait. Zane kindly gave us one of his slimies he'd jigged in his boat beside us and Bang! dogged fight with the first smiles on the boat for an hour only to find one of the most unwelcome fish to approach the Good-Ship Tugger, the dreaded mac-tuna.

As we swung around in the breeze over different ground we tried jigging for bait, we only ended up with another 2 livies for the day and they too ended up jumping into macs mouths.

So 10am had passed, yesterday had produced nearly the whole catch by then and here we were with a donut.

Apart from the macs and one bonito, lunch-time also had been and gone and still nothing to show for the effort in the cold bath.

A near 70cm Snapper found its way to my line, and it seemed finally, we were on the fish.

Wrong!!, an hour or so went past before the favorite eating fish (hehehe) in the Tugger household, the Spangled shoulder stretcher gave Marks ligaments a good workout and he boated a good 75-80cm.specimen.

2 Moses-perch were the only other eaters brought over the side for the day.

Moral of the story,

The almanac can say 'cracker day' just like yesterday. You can have exactly the same conditions and bait. You can have the same angler on board that is a big producer. You can have good run but no fun.

When it comes down to it, The Good-Ship Tugger had its best day at the rock on Sunday 6:30am -10am

Monday saw the worst day ever - 6:30am -3pm

Some times it just happens like that. Fishing, not catching.

Anyway, it's always a good day on the Good-Ship Tugger so thanks again for the privilege to be on board and for meeting you, Jnewy.



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A near 70cm snapper would have made my day anyway. A near 80cm Spangled would have made my week !

Plenty of meat for the bait bucket or berley mix too. Sounds like a good day to me, but maybe not comparatively. :P

It just crossed my mind that tugger may have sneakily anchored just away from the magic spot so he didn't break the in-possession rules :lol:

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A near 70cm snapper would have made my day anyway. A near 80cm Spangled would have made my week !

Plenty of meat for the bait bucket or berley mix too. Sounds like a good day to me, but maybe not comparatively. :P

It just crossed my mind that tugger may have sneakily anchored just away from the magic spot so he didn't break the in-possession rules :lol:

Hell yeh, Brian,

The reason for the post was not in anyway to complain, like you say the snapper really DID! make my day, and a feed was brought home.

Many times on the site I see people getting frustrated by what they saw or heard at a location, my main objective is to say that even the most experienced can have dramatically different results in what seems to be the same place,conditions etc.

So especially those younger ones on the site, don't get disheartened by what you may think is your fault because of maybe your gear or experience etc, it can just be that sometimes they are not there or the just aren't feeding like the day before.

I always think back to a Victorian Fisheries Officer on television a few years ago saying about the tagging program and the surprising thing he said was that a flathead was recaptured over 400km from where it was tagged. So even what is considered to be one of the most lazy fish can be there one day and gone the next.

As for tugger deliberately not wanting to catch Snapper, I DON'T THINK SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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A near 70cm snapper would have made my day anyway. A near 80cm Spangled would have made my week !

Plenty of meat for the bait bucket or berley mix too. Sounds like a good day to me, but maybe not comparatively. :P

It just crossed my mind that tugger may have sneakily anchored just away from the magic spot so he didn't break the in-possession rules :lol:

By the way, I'm sure the 80cm Spangled did make his week, but as we all know in a different way - it just made his shoulder weak for a week.!!!! lol

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it was a great day to be out there....it was my first time offshore down here and im sure it must have been one of the best days in a while. :woohoo:

ill just post my bit of a report on here as i dont have a hell of alot to report!

firsty i would like to thank tugger for being my guide through the bar and beyond and for warning me about any whales within a 100 metre radius of the boats!!!! none got really close which was good!!

started off jigging up some livies then set about anchoring and getting some lines out. almost every one of those livies would have been smashed with only one fish boated from them! :angry:

most of them there was nothing i could do but tighten the drag slowly trying to get them to turn before they busted me on the reef, others i could feel the weight and knew i did not stand a chance!!! I ended up respooling my baitrunner twice after loosing over half a spool on 2 occasions!

any way, the one a managed to bring up was a goodun. 1metre+ of amberjack at 13.7KG and gave me some serious curry as i tried to keep him away from the reef! im going to have to invest in a bigger esky though!

once again id just like to thank tugger and was great to meet you abureelman and Jnewy.

cant wait to do it all again!


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Sounds like you needed a deckie Zane :dry:

next time for sure, i will post for a couple of deckies maybe as soon as this sunday with any luck!

didnt this time as it was my first time offshore and over the bar, thought id better do it at least once before taking other people out. Although my brother came but ended up :sick: he was feeling ill before we left the ramp!

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Just got the pics from my camera it was a hard day at the office

Zane fishing hard


:pinch: that must have been when all my rods got smashed up at once and i lost all rigs :whistle:

i was just taking a minute to compose my self :P

EDIT: On taking a second look at the photo...i was on whale watch :silly: im watching the whales approaching and have ordered my brother up the front with the knife!! :lol:

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