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Noosa River session - GT's, Big Bream and more..


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Hey all,

After talking to mum, I finally got her to go for a trip up to Noosa..

We got there at about 3:30pm .. pitch the tent and set up the beds.. Qucik car ride down to the water with the tinny and got to our first spot at about 4:15.. Electric around for a bit and got some really good hits on the 4 inch Minnow's.. most likely Jewy's but got some flattie hits aswell.. following a big school of jumping Mullet we landed a little flattie that was released..

Quckly motored up to the next spot at about 5:10.. first cast of Hfisho 77's (hugo) hook was up to a massive winter bream going 35cm and weighing easy over the 1 kilo mark.

landed another bream just over 30 and decided to head back before dark.

Headed out early sunday morning and got to our GT spot..

Lots of GT's, Big Bream and big eyed trava's feeding on the surface, first cast of the moring and i got my PB Bream on Plastics going 32cm.. keept casting in the school of fish till about 11am.. I got my first Big eyed Trava which was only 35cm.. eneded up with 8 big eye's 6 Bream all over 30, 1 GT going 50cm and a few lil flatties..

Good little sesh.. left at about 2pm .. Got some more flatties and bream.. Here is some Photo's we got on the day..

ohh and all the fish were released.

Cheers James










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Ohhh yeah sweresy!!! im pretty sure i remember that...

Yeah mad mullet i was keen to get my first fish on a popper so i gave it ago for about 30 mins and got a few hits and follows.. lots of fun but nothing landed..

more fish were caught on the plastics tho..

Thanks everyone for reading!!

cheers James

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good work guys looked like a great little session. may i suggest next time taking some food you will find a bag of chips tastes better than your rod

HAHAHA yeah had plenty of food, but i liked the dirty taste of the fish of my rod ;) haha


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