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New Thread Fin the right catagory: Fishing Report


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I have a boss at the moment who takes more time off than she's at work. This suits me fine as it means I get a lot of last minute late shifts when she calls in sick. After a day off yesterday I was really hoping she'd make it two in a row because the weather was looking splendid and there was an electric little secret getting around that my favorite species of fish may be making a timely comeback!

Late yesterday arvo I got the call.. "Umm really sorry but I dont think Im going to be well tomorrow either, would you mind covering my late shift?" Well, ok, I said, I'll check with my wife and I'm sure I can do that for you ;)

Alarm set for 5:00am, boat packed..

I arrived at the boat ramp about quater to six, with just an orange glow on the horizon. The Plan: To head to four beacons while it wa still early and then back to fish for my old favorite.



The river was glassy

I thought, "Thiss'll be nice, Ill get to sit down all the way to Four Beacons and listen to the radio. Once out of the mouth though it was pretty choppy and by the time I got to the Beacons I was ready for it to be over.

Within an hour, the bay too glassed off.


After an hour with nothing landed but some solid hits, I was way too keen to try a couple of other spots for my old friend and headed off. After reaching my first spot I anchored and got a nice closeup view of that massive Yacth everyone's been talking about as it sailed past.



I started the ritual slow burly and within 30 minutes hook up number one, unfortunatly it bricked me on some structure and I didnt get a look at it. Although it did have a very distinct tail kick that got me thinking, "Maybe the rumours are true!"

Another 30 minutes went by and the bay was looking magnificent and I was pretty happy just to be out there and not at work, then off goes old faithful. This time a much better model! Not much chance of putting the brakes on, with big tail kicks and a massive first run, followed by two more just like it. Fifteen minutes later and its next to the boat..

My old friend the Threadfin is back!!


Unfortunately he didnt make it, they fight to the death, I tried very hard to swim him but he was done. After 15 minutes of trying to see if he might swim again I brought him on board and he was going to be dinner a few times over.

Once back on shore I put the tape on him and he went 1.39 a new PB for me beating the old 1.27 from last year.

All in all a great day on the water and so good to know the threadies have not vanished!


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1.28 is big! I'll be heading back out again sunday to have another go, Ive been chasing Jew ad Snapper for the past couple of months with a little bit of success (on the jew, not one snapper even though everyone is catching them!) but threadies have got to be my favorite, its like a little bit of FNQ right here in Brisbane

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brad, very very well done mate, congrats on the p.b. its a pitty we couldnt make it out the other night, and when you said to me that you would try to make it out in the morn i had a funny feeling that it would have been a good one.

hopefully next time we try to arrange something it will fall into place.....

cheers kurt

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