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Live shrimp Where to buy & how to keep & transport


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For bulk supplies I get my live freshwater shrimp from Aratula Redclaw Farms. The owners name is Rod Hutchings 54638226.

Orders in by Tuesday Afternoons at the latest. Preferably Monday.

He delivers to pet stores all over Brisbane and the gold coast and will arrange a pick up location and time with you.

I think that latest price is $38 per hundred. They are delivered in an oxygenated plastic bag and if kept cool and in the shade they will last all day.

I keep my shrimp in a couple of old fish tanks.

I keep a few hundred shrimp in the larger one for up to a fortnight and around 150 in the smaller one.



If using tap water in the tanks I leave stand for a few days to allow the chlorine to dissipate. You can buy additives to do this but I am mean.

I usually siphon off a couple of buckets of water every 3 or 4 days and replenish with fresh water.

( I use tank water)

When I siphon off I also siphon from the bottom of the tank to remove the gunk.

I just run an air pump in each tank and don't bother filtering.

After the shrimp have been in the tank for a few days I pick out all the dead ones..


This is what I use to transport my shrimp when I go fishing.

In summer when I have more than around 100 shrimp in the esky I change the water every couple of hours but in the cooler months they seem to last all day.



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