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busy in the pine


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Just got back from a unsuccessful morning in the pine river. Put the boat in at bald hills and cast the net for livies at around 7am, got plenty of boney bream and a few herring thought to myself might be worth trying for a bully on live bb. Shot up to the castle hill area of the north pine to find numerous boats fishing, got to my spot nice drop off surrounded by a few snags and let two livies out. Meanwhile flicked sp's and chucked a couple of prawns out for the my two boys. My boys got two very undersize bream on their rods and also a small jew, in about two and a half hours, NOTHING even looked at the livies.

Time to move, headed to highway bridge for another try, One fish only. Nearly lost rod over side to a 65-70cm catfish.

Move again to another spot get more livies in way of mullet put bb back to swim another day, try in final spot for bullies with mullet, send out a few more prawns and get a dozen bream, 2 legal and 1 whiting which all went back in.

Was a very difficult day for fishing from my point of view, trying to please 5 and 3 yr olds in boat along with getting a few fish equals hard work but enjoyable all the same.

Maybe next time i will get a few runs with the livies.


Trippa ;)

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G'day mate, I was up castle hill yesterday drowning livies in the snags. Spent a bit of time there but couldn't get any runs not even a catfish lol. I gave up and drifted with placcies and hardbodies and managed a very healthy looking tilapia near the yellow cross mark just before the Rockwall adjacent to the water treatment plant. It was a bit worrying to see them that far up the tidal zone. On a better note better luck with the young fellas next time.


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I gave up and drifted with placcies and hardbodies and managed a very healthy looking tilapia near the yellow cross mark just before the Rockwall adjacent to the water treatment plant. It was a bit worrying to see them that far up the tidal zone. Cheers

Not unusual, tillies can handle a wide range of conditions unfortunately ;) I've seen them in wynnum/manly marina.

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