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samaki skitch


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gday all, recentley purchased a daiwa exceler 4000 and a quantum energy pt50, i am looking to match them with a samaki skitch. http://www.motackle.com.au/index.cfm?pr=product&product_id=8286 does any one own one of these or used one? any sugestions on matching these reels to rods would be much appreciated, pleasse keep in mind $100 is my budget not counting freight.

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purchased a 7' 2pc 8-15lb skitch. arrived this morning, looks good and construction appears to be of a high quality. the rod is extremely light and balances perfectly with the quantum pt 50. it also balances very well with the exceler 4000da, not surprising as both reels are exactly the same wieght. however the daiwa imparts a wobble when free spinning.give the quantum a spin and release the handle so it is free spinning and it is as steady as a rock. odd this difference in behaviour, perhaps the daiwa needs a heavier blank?

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