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Blue Lagoon - Nacula Island Fishing Report


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Last week Bec & I flew out to Fiji for a week of fun in the sun and lots of time to relax !!!

Oh yeah... and try & squeeze some time in for fishing :)

We stayed at a resort called “Blue Lagoon†on Nacula Island which is about 4.5 Hours North of the mainland.

After a long ferry ride we finally were about to board the smaller boats to take us to our resort.

This was the view we were greeted with:


The resort was amazing and we had a large reef just metres off the beach, unfortunately the beach was a marine park and had to walk quite far before we could fish legally. This was quite frustrating as we had a villa on the beach and we would constantly see massive bust ups, Queen Fish, Blue Trevally, Red Bass and many more species coming in very close to feed on an abundance of bait.

Out of the whole week I only got a small window to fish and had arranged for a local to take me out on his boat. He has no real experience as a guide so I had to pretty much pick where I wanted to go and he would oblige :)

Luckily for me there are plenty of reefs and sand flats so it wasn’t long until I found fish :)

Within a few minutes I was on to my first fish, this Red Bass definitely punched above its weight.


We fished amongst reefs for an hour or so with a fair bit of action, there were some large Blue Trevally chasing our lures but were quite tentative on the strikes. Eventually I hooked up to one which I saw the fish strike but it didn’t take long for him to run me over the reef and bust me off.

After a couple dropped fish I stayed to the edges of the reefs and this proved more effective catching a couple Emperor’s & Cod




This fish was as big as the plastic lol


As the tide started to roll back in I drifted a long a very large sand flat and could see Trevally, Barracuda & Queen Fish chasing fish here and there, they would come out from a deep drop off chase some bait and then disappear again!!

I did manage a few casts and at some Queen Fish but the strikes were soft and couldn’t get the hook up.

I decided a change of tact and trolled my 4†Reaction Strike Split Tail along the edge of the reef/drop off and within 30 seconds the Sharpshooter is buckled over and the drag screaming. The fish bolted and was heading towards a shallow reef but I was able to turn his head and fight him in deeper water, after a fe minutes the fish had surfaced and landed this nice Queen Fish around 60cm’s



Not long after we had to head back in but a pretty good session given it was only 3 hours.

Will be heading back in a few months ad better equipped with the area and gear to use so hopefully will be more productive :)

Thanks for reading :)

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stunning couple of photos there! well done manni and thanks for sharing :)

there are sooooooooo many awesome fishing destinations out there. to many to cover in just the one lifetime i think :silly:

I think we need to come up with a fishing bucket list top 100 destinations to go fishing !!!

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Ahhh manni, how I pity you! As you can see from angus' post, you are missing out on some beautiful weather here! I know where I would rather be...

Hey Jords I'm back in Brissy mate lol

Lovin this awesome summer we are having.......... :whistle: :whistle:

mate today is sunny, tomorrow is meant to be similar, lets do it :)

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Ahhh manni, how I pity you! As you can see from angus' post, you are missing out on some beautiful weather here! I know where I would rather be...

Hey Jords I'm back in Brissy mate lol

Lovin this awesome summer we are having.......... :whistle: :whistle:

mate today is sunny, tomorrow is meant to be similar, lets do it :)

Yep will buzz ya later this arvo if we go just bring a rod/reel - we'll have the rest ;)

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