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Pt Halloran

Daryl McPhee

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I’ve made a couple of forays to trusty old Point Halloran. Sunday night saw the height of the tide less than optimal for the location, but I gave it a go anyway. Fishing with light leads in close provided fruitless, but with a 3 ball sinker and a fair cast, I found a few fish lurking and scratched up a feed – all on yabbies. I couldn’t get a touch on any other baits. Wednesday night I put up with the inane drizzle. A better tide saw the fish in close and I picked up half a dozen before calling it quits. This time the yabbies were hopeless as they were being picked at by small whiting and toads. The fish were caught on unweighted pieces of bonito.

Nothing flash again which seems to be my story for the last couple of months, but some more feeds to keep the family happy.



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hey mate, welcome and keep trying there are good fish to be had in that area also local advice helps and i'll put you on to a spot i do alright at sometimes dosn;t always produce but have caught some good flatties there on the intersection of rosebud esp and lancewood st right out front there is a gutter about 30 ft out on high tide only about 1.5 m deep holds good whiting and bream dosnt matter on bait so long as you berley using same as bait if poss. good luck hope it helps. ezy

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