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feild booked.... paintball....afo/facebook 20/10


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to celebrate brads and myself birthdays

i have prepurchased 30 tickets....

to book go to this wb or ph 1300667118

i have 3 books of 10.

tracking no# for books

book 1... LNT03111101

book 2... LNT03111102

book 3... LNT03111103

10 people book per no#. if one book is taken up, then book on another no#

only book if you are def in. if we get the full 30, we get the field to our selves

when booking either state my name, kurt ockenfels or my phone number 0432 4111 95

this ticket will pay for you gun, cloths and range hire, NOT THE PAINT BALLS

when booking, they wil ask to pay for 200 balls straight up

i have 10 def so far, so still 21 spots free, jump in quick...going to be hell fun

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