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for the freshwater fishers


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hey guys

i've never really done any freshwater fishing before and i'd say its alittle differant to salt when useing lures.

went down the sarvo launched the yak around 4 and paddled and had a fish up untill 7 at my local.there was alot more structure up the creek only went up about 200 300metres but there was a hell of alot of surface action.i tried getting afew on my poppers but they are alittle to big haha around the 60mm sizes.the technique i used for retrieving was little flicks of the road to make the popper make alittle noise and splash on retrieve.i saw a sacada get belted about 10metres infront of me by something decent.they where hitting any insects sittin ontop of the surface so think i might try a mini surface breaker 45mm or grab a basscada 50mm.what are your thoughts on retreive but guys.i'd say it would be alittle differant to salt fishing.on retrieve instead of bringing it in alittle quick should i change it up and just give 1 flick then stop for 10 secs then another flick and so on.also what would you guys reccomend trying as for lures.on the 300c it doesnt get any shallower then 2metres but gets as deep as 4 to 5m mark also the water is crystal clear if that changes things.

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60mm is not too big for a popper but if cicadas were getting smashed then a cicada lure is what you use. My technique is to let the lure sit for a few seconds and then twitch it on the spot and wait for the hit, if no hit is forthcoming then a steady retrieve back to the yak with maybe a couple of pauses. The lure usually will get hit in the first few twitches or winds of the handle.

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60mm is not too big for a popper but if cicadas were getting smashed then a cicada lure is what you use. My technique is to let the lure sit for a few seconds and then twitch it on the spot and wait for the hit, if no hit is forthcoming then a steady retrieve back to the yak with maybe a couple of pauses. The lure usually will get hit in the first few twitches or winds of the handle.

+1 Ant is on the money.

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60mm is not too big for a popper but if cicadas were getting smashed then a cicada lure is what you use. My technique is to let the lure sit for a few seconds and then twitch it on the spot and wait for the hit, if no hit is forthcoming then a steady retrieve back to the yak with maybe a couple of pauses. The lure usually will get hit in the first few twitches or winds of the handle.

cheers for the info mate.

looking at buying a 3 pack of jitter bugs on here off aussie just waitin to hear back on what size they are.i'm heading down to brissy today so will have a look at bcf and see if i can pickup afew cicadar lures aswell.

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Bass will hit a surprisingly large lure, cod lures are not too big for them to have a crack B) I don\'t think BCF has the cicada lures in their range, if you want a cheap effective lure grab a couple of Kokoda bats from Big W if you can, alternatively spend the money and get a couple of Tiemco soft shell cicadas, bass go nuts for them. Just make sure if you get the Kokodas to upgrade the rings and trebles as the standard ones are poo.

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