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brizzy jacks


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hey guys, me and my brother are after out first jacks this year. i usually fish brizzy river, shulz canal, hayes inlet and pine river. ive searched many forums and noticed that know one really catches jacks in either shulz or north pine, Or if they do ive never seen a report or heard anything from my local tackle shops.

all these places could hold jacks but ive never seen or heard anything of people catching jacks in these areas. during the week me and my brother are thinking of having a yak down at shulz and we just wanted to know if were wasting our time or should we venture up or down the coast.

im not after your spot x just a simple yes or no with any of these locations would be more than enough.

P.s i work with cam (aka Gerty_92) he caught a jack near brekky creek...but thats the only example ive heard.

sorry if it seems to be a stupid question, im just curious too see if theyve been caught in these areas.



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the canal systems around the bay area. e.g raby bay ect do hold them not in big no.s or size but they are around work the pontoons or dead ends to the canals. poppers early morn med divers during daylight, after 9am forget it very early morns or night best times. ezy

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the only spots i can think of are around the trawlers in cabbage tree creek ,in nundah creek or the pinkenba rock wall at the mouth of the brissie river , but if you do have the option or mangroves or rock walls go and hit the rock walls because jacks will pick them over mangroves any day B)

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