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What a shame...

The Mad Hughesy

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You would think they could have done something other then detroying :unsure: that sucks! I thought Tigers were protected?? Cant remember the last time a tiger took someones life??

No not protected, but yes a shame

I don't understand what the government can remove shark but if a reco fisho did, we would get slapped with a huge fine

At the end if the day, if you are scared of getting attacked by a shark, don't swim, surf, snorkel, dive ect

This is something that never will be sorted out

Just so people know, drum lines are check every other day if not every day. I gave seen them work amity, and the amount of sharks they pull from their is insane, I surpose this would be the case at most drum line areas

Shame shame shame

I Woolf gave loved to have caught snf released that mumma

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would the tiger have died drowning? or would it have been kicking around tethered by hook and drum?

They die a slow death when they're hooked on a drum line. Many (but not all) sharks need to keep swimming to get oxygen across their gills.

If the shark is still alive when the shark catchers turn up I think they use a shot gun to finish them off.

Personally I think killing sharks to 'protect' swimmers is pathetic. Especially when the shark in question is a near threatened species.

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