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bootyinblue and his behaviour


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The site had gone quiet and went back to good debate, fishing stories etc after shortie was banned and his stiring stopped but once again here it is again and i wont go quiet on it most might not be aware of it all but if its aimed at you you see all the digs that this bloke uses. Either ban me or do something about this bloke ellicat might delete this but it will not stop unless i'm banned or he is dealt with

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Tugger.... You may want to narrow down your complaint in order for it to be more effective.

You might not like rules and regulations, personally I eat them for lunch each day and love the stuff, but you cannot deny others on here the opportunity to be educated and informed on all matters pertaining to fishing and the outdoors.

With each post, I will often research and reference my answer and provide explanations that people will understand.

Again, you may wish to flout these or feel they do not apply to your particular circumstance, but to attempt to persuade others that 'it will all be ok' is just irresponsible and I won't apologise for posting fact.

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What I said was that I do not think that one word that was not derogatory or insulting should be sufficient to ban anyone.

I also stated that booty has done a lot for members on the site.

I also stated that a bit of controversy that makes people think is a good thing as I brings out different points of view.

All of the above was stated as a result of a fair go ethic that I have.

I have also protested in the past about the banning of other members during the previous purge as I feel that one member who was not banned at that particular time may have had inside information.

Glad I am not a mod.

Just for the info of others I have been told that when a post that may be controversial the mods do speak to each other and if a mod is personally involved that mod will abstain from the decision making process.

Wish it would fine up so we can all go fishing



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