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Home made blades


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With a DIY theme to this year's secret Santa I thought I would try make something fishing related. Searching through YouTube I found this video http://youtu.be/Qu7YePpgZvo showing how to make blades out of some plastic and drop shot sinkers. I made two testers using a yamba prawn blade and an ecogear vx35 as the templates and a boost juice loyalty card for the plastic. This is how they turned out


I took them for a test drive and surprised to say they had really good action and both caught 2 bass each and an eel! Lucky they were small cos I'm not sure how they'll go with a big bass on the other end!






Ahhh the gift of giving! And this is the final lot going out to my secret Santa recipient,


Now to make some more for myself!

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Very creative, they look good! Pretty hard to beat catching fish on your own lure I reckon!

I didn't know that you've caught fish on your lures Sam :P haha just joking :lol:

Well done! They are obviously great lures seeing as they caught you some bass!!! I've made some just like them and have done some modifications to them. I prefer to use galvanised steel and I just used a piece of pipe that we had lying around. I caught yellas and bass on them and they held up fine!


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Very creative, they look good! Pretty hard to beat catching fish on your own lure I reckon!

I didn't know that you've caught fish on your lures Sam :P haha just joking :lol:

Well done! They are obviously great lures seeing as they caught you some bass!!! I've made some just like them and have done some modifications to them. I prefer to use galvanised steel and I just used a piece of pipe that we had lying around. I caught yellas and bass on them and they held up fine!


Cheers yea I was thinking of using a bit of tin but didn't have a drill handy but might give it a go. I saw another video where a guy users sheet lead for weight which is a good idea

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