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DIY Soft roof rack dangers???

The Mad Hughesy

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Hey team,

I have some rhino racks bars waiting to go on my car for when the funds (more so time) come available. In the mean time I have been looking at some soft roof racks (to transport my kayak) as I have used them before with no dramas. In my eyes, they are a lot of money for some foam and a strap with a big logo on it. I have read about some folk using 2 pool noodles with the straps running through it then attaching it under the windows and through the car the exact same way that soft roof racks work.


Now there seems to be a lot of people voicing how terrible of an idea this is and how dangerous it is. Yet I fail to see how it is any different from the regular soft roof racks you buy from BCF


Unless I’m missing something that someone can point out…? Now I know that softies just do not compare to regular roof racks in terms of being able to securely tie down the kayak, but for a quick  15mins trip down the road, I don’t see how the $5 pool noodle solution is that dangerous? Happy to be proven wrong lol



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I used them for a quite a while when I pranged my tow bar car years ago and couldnt tow my trailer I used to transport my kayak. No issues with the mounts at all. Once I worked it all out!

You do need to be careful with which way round you put the kayak, first time with nose to the front, after being really careful setting it all up and making sure it was nice and secure, sat in the drivers seat and the nose dropped low into my field of vision, So out undo it all turn around so bum was to the front, secure it all again, double checked view, all good lashed down. Got in car and drove up the road, pulled up after a hundred yards nearly deaf, forgot to put a twist in the strap and it was deafening.

Got out, put twist in strap, secured all down again, and drove off, bobs your uncle never another problem. It was only a 12 foot kayak, so dead lifting it up over my head and plonking on to the soft mounts was not an issue. If your yak is bigger, maybe a blanket or some think similar to help you get it up there with out gring the end off on the ground.


Oh and watch where your strap comes through the car, if you put it in the middle of where your head needs to go, you will be reloading once you sit inside!!


One photo wrong way round, nose dropped to far in to my field of vision for me to feel comfortable driving it


one photo right way round so view not obstructed!




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