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changing hooks


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last week i bought a dinkum yabby http://kokodafishing.com.au/products/lures/tournament-gold/dinkum-yabbie/ in the brown and white colour but the treble near the "claws" keeps getting stuck in the split ring that holds the claws on.


1. Put up with it (only happens on cast so it would work trolling) but i want to use on bank half the time.

2. Put on a smaller treble

3 Put on a single hook

4 Take the treble off and only have one on the back

What would you do?

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ok ill have a see how it goes trolling first i reckon i would probably not use it but its so hard to get yabby imitations a good size for reddfin and plus on my first cast when the hook wasn't tangled it got hit before i started  to reel so i like it.

by taking the treble of will that change the action of the lure?

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Redfin are not fussy and will eat anything that they can fit in their mouths. Soft plastics work well on them and the best eating fresh water fish IMO.

Anywhere from November on wards they should be firing at Eildon, Lake Eppolock or any of the Western lakes around Horsham.

They are quite cannibalistic so a favourite of mine was a perch pattern green with black bars running vertical and I would add red fins by painting on the wife's nail polish. 

Some monster Redfin in Lake Fyans ;)


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Removing the hook shouldn't affect the lure's action.

On most of my small / medium lures I tend to remove the middle treble. On some I replace the back treble with a single hook as it makes it easier to release the fish when the lure is hooked deep.

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