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Moreton Bay Pb Day, No April Fools


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The aim of this trip was to get James onto a tuna to test his rod & reel combo he had saved so long for. We launched at Bribie Island ramp just before day break and headed out. The wind against tide made the waves stand up and it was a lumpy run out the passage and over to Moreton Island.

We saw some tuna busting up when we arrived and we wet our lines, check drags and then head for the next bust up. We got casts in on 2 occasions but they refused our offerings. Then we see a few splashes over near a beacon, only small and thought there may have been some mackerel around. We headed over anyway to check it out. James cast his 4.75 Gobbler jerk shad over towards the beacon 2 winds of the handle and the new rod buckles and the new reel screams.

JP Hooked up.JPG

I cast closely behind James and hooked up as well. the tide and wind took us away form the beacon tipping the advantage in our favour. I placed my rod in a rod holder on a lightish drag so we could concentrate on James fish. it was good to have 2 fish on but limited our chasing ability and more than a few times we were juggling the rods over and under each other to keep both fish on.

Unfortunately 15 minutes into the fight my fish was claimed by the tax man. hope it filled him so it stayed away from James's fish.

A hard 30 minute fight ensued and every time James thought it was coming in it took more line.

JP tun.JPG

Once we saw the size of it we understood why. With an aching back and everything in between we finally had it in the net to admire.

JP 130cm tuna water.JPG

JP Monster LT.JPGTuna head stand.JPG130cm LT JP.jpg

We called for 130cm model because the mouth was over the end of the brag mat that was also puckered at the start of it.

Gobbler .JPG

Looked like it had an infection in its mouth from an old injury.

With our aim achieved we headed off to do some reef fishing with some soft vibes for a change. they worked quite well catching a variety of fish, grinner,whiptails,sweetlip,cod and others.

I picked up a PB Flowery cod at 82cm.

82cm Flowery Cod PB.jpg 

James continued to show me how it was done with a couple of legal sweet lips around the 40cm mark.

Sweet Lip.JPG

Then a color character the trigger fish.

Trigger fish.JPG

by this time it was late and tried at some tuna on the way home but no takers.


A great day out on the bay and hard one to beat.

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