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Resin Gt Poppers


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Hey guys.

Been mucking around with my own popper design. Thought id post a few pics. Cant wait to throw these out on the GBR soon. Super stoked with action. Clear coat yet to do. These have just been painted with a can and will look alot cleaner when my airbrush arrives next week. 


Cheers guys



2016-04-12 18.48.09.png

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Cheers @kmcrosby78 and @samsteele115 

It moves alot of water☺. It also sucks loads of air when blooped causing a huge smoke trail along with a really awesome deep sound. I will be making more over the winter and refining the finish and weights. These ones are 170mm and around 125/130g 46mm cup to test. Will also mold a 95mm, 150mm 40mm cup & 190mm 51mm cup over the winter. Loads of work but also fun. 

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Thanks alot @Angus hopefully they will develop nicely over the winter. @bersim has some awesome looking stickbaits. Been following him on insta.  I would love if you could throw a few in PNG. That would be great. Are you Bluewater there as well or mainly bass? If i can get them to a stage of selling them down the track that would be great. Ill just have to see how i go i guess. I have a few other designs ill post in time as well. 


Cheers guys

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They look really awesome!  Did you 3D print the model lure that you used for the mould?  Very nice finish and I know exactly how much work you've put into them!  I'm not sure how many you've made and clear coated but it took me quite a few failed lures to realise that they need primer under the paint in order for the clear coat to be glassy smooth.  Well at least for the paint and clear coat I use that's what I needed.  I think it's cause the resin releases some kind of moisture that causes the epoxy to bubble.  Thought I'd just let you know to save you some time in case you didn't already know.  Looking great so keen to see them hanging out of some big pelagic's mouth!  


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Hey @bersim cheers for the complement. Your stickbaits are looking sweet! Awesome looking finish. The model i molded was CNC machined from ABS. I hand carved the original then done a 3d CAD from that then CNC machined. Was a fair process but stoked with the end result.Still loads to learn and perfect. I have only just ordered airbrushing equipment so its in transit at the moment. I need to experiment with primers, paint and clear coats yet, ahhhh loads more work. Any recommendations on primers? Do you spray on or brush? You have any more lures in process mate? I have a couple more im working on but little by little. 






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It looks like it's a great way of making perfectly shaped lures.  I think I might just draw up my stickbait in inventor and just 3D print it at school.  Shouldn't take too long but would be good enough to use as the master lure.  

Yeah I use an airbrush to paint my lures.  Definitely pays to get a quality brush as you really do notice the difference.  I started with a cheap one that wasn't too good and I never liked painting at all but after getting a paasche talon airbrush that all changed.  I use createx paint which is awesome as it comes in virtually every colour and goes on so nice.  And for clear coat I use envirotex 2 part epoxy which is annoying to use but produces great results (I would recommend both of these as I don't think there's anything much better.  The paint is awesome and clear coat is rock hard if done right...).  For primer I just use the standard white undercoat for walls but I water it down so I can just dip the lures and put them on the drying rack.  At the moment I'm just starting a few more but it's always hard to fit in making them, especially when I only have limited free time and I have to choose between fishing or making lures!

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@bersimI know what u mean about time mate. I try juggle work, having a family, fishing and now making lures. Busy busy. Thanks so much on the tips for paint and clear. Ive just ordered createx paints and a nice airbrush setup so i cant wait to get stuck in to that. Ive seen so many different ways to prime the lures so i guess ill just trial and error to see what works for me. The dipping sounds good for the smaller ones. 

3d printer at school would work great mate. I do highly recommend the CNC but it can get expensive as well. Ill be making the rotisserie this weekend so all the elements slowy getting done. I look forward to see you lures grow mate. If the weather is nice im hoping to get out next weekend to throw some around.


Cheers Tim

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Yeah no worries!  You definitely won't regret the createx paint and having the airbrush as it will open you up to endless colour patterns and designs.  I think I'll have to have a look into the CNC option then.  What did that cost you and where did you get that done if you don't mind me asking?  

I just made a pretty simple lure turner with a battery operated bbq motor and it seems to work fine.  I'm going to upgrade it soon to one I can just plug in as the battery ones are quite loud and don't rotate the lure at a very consistent speed.  Keen to see some more of the lures so please post them up when you finish!

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Hey @bersim no worries  with the CNC questions. I used a company called Arptech. I will look up there email for u. I delt with a guy called Rick. Super helpful.  Price depends on size of lure and how you want it to be finished, primed or unprimed. Anywhere between $150 and $300 depending. You could make 100s of molds from it. 

Do you use a release agent with your molds? If so how do you go cleaning the lures to paint. I have a few resins to test to see what works best for me. 

Ill post some pics when i get the others looking a bit more refined. There all totally different to the popper. 


Cheers mate


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Thanks that would be great.  That's actually a pretty reasonable price considering what you get from it.  

I don't use any specific release agent but I just put a bit of talcum powder in the mould before pouring the resin.  It's meant to make it last a lot longer too so there's nothing to lose by doing that.  Before I paint I always give them a wash in hot soapy water as well as rubbing some alcohol on them.  

Cool I'll be interested to see those other ones when they're finished!

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