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Lafma Stocking Assn Newsletter.


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LAFMA Members & Supporters,


LAFMA Update ...27th April, 2016:-


Mary River Cod  & Bass fingerlings 2016

LAFMA will place the following fingerling orders for this year's stockings: Wyaralong Dam - 10,000 bass and approx 7,700 Mary River cod (depending on price).


Bunnings BBQs - Browns Plains

Put these dates in your diary for 2016 ...  Saturday 7th May and Friday 3rd June ... There will be a general meeting before the BBQ on Saturday 7th May. Thanks to regular BBQ cooks, Mark, Smithy, JC, Owen, Glenn and myself, we made around $820 clear at our April BBQ. If you are able to help out with a couple of hours on Saturday 7th May, please advise Mark, Glenn or myself prior to the next general meeting, Wednesday 4th May.


Carp/Tilapia Eradication Comp - 2017

Please note: Last update I mentioned that the Carp/Tilapia Eradication Comp for 2017 was set for Saturday 11th March .... There has been a change of date .... Date is now Saturday 18th March 2017 ... LAFMA agreed to move the comp out a week to allow Qld Rowing to extend their major event by a week - they are expecting 5000 to 6000 competitors/spectators etc.

LAFMA has purchased a 900 x 600 sandwich board ('A' frame sign - see attachment) with a Carp/Tilapia comp sign and a Pest Fish Alert sign to use at community displays and Bunnings BBQs etc.  ... got to get the message out there as early as possible.   ('B' side of sandwich board is the 'Pest Fish Alert' sign shown in attachment)


Wyaralong Dam  ... the following is an interesting email I received from member Brendon Steinhardt .. an overnight trip sounds like a possible club outing ??


Gday Lloyd. Went for a paddle/fish/explore at wyaralong yesterday,(22-4-16). Went for a look at the campsite in the middle of the dam. Took 2 hours to get there at a normal trolling speed and taking the quickest possible path. Not following the bank just cutting across bays to shorten the distance. There is a small sign and a picnic table on the bank when you get there. The campground itself is about 500 metres up a steep goat track. You certainly wouldnt want to take too much gear up it. At the top is 2 big old houses joined together. The windows and doors are screened to try and keep the animals out. There are a couple of double bunk bed frames and apart from that the rest is empty. Anyone can stay there. There is a composting toilet and a water tank and tap which i wouldnt drink. Would be not a bad spot for an overnight stay. I think it gets used a fair bit by horse riders and mountain bike riders although it would probably be cleaner outside in a tent as it looks like there a fair few rats/possums etc in the house.

The bay where you land to camp at was full of carp. There were bubbles coming up everywhere and carp jumping everywhere. I managed 5 on worms in a couple of hours. Also a couple of spangles and a couple of small jewfish.

On the troll back home in the middle of a bay up near that big homestead with the grape vines i managed to catch this stonker on a pink micro mullet. 43cm and 1.350


Arts in the Olives & World Environment Day

LAFMA will be manning an information stand again this year with our friends from FFSAQ at Arts in the Olives Sunday 8/5/16 (Lost World) and at the World Environment Day, Saturday 4/6/16 (Boonah) ... please feel free to join us at either or both venues.


Tagged Bass recapture

A bass tagged by Mitchell Perry around Kerry in the Albert River @ 340mm on 25/1/2008 was recaptured in the Coomera River by S Riding on the 28/3/2016 @ 400mm ... the fish was at large for 2985 days and had grown 60mm ... the fish travelled 170 Km down the Albert/Logan, down southern Moreton Bay and up the Coomera ... it was released to fight another day.


Membership Fees

Membership fees for 2016/17 are now due ... $20 senior member, $40 family membership ... fees can be paid by chq to The Secretary, 21 Finch Street, Eagleby 4207, in person at the general meetings, get someone attending the meetings to pay for you or by direct deposit to Commonwealth Bank BSB 064400, Acct No 10151661


Next General Meeting

The next general meeting of the association will be held at the Kerry Hall, Kerry on Wednesday 4th May, 2016 commencing at 7pm ... all welcome.




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