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Lafma Stocking Assn Newsletter. Jungle Perch????


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Latest newsletter. I will have to make a special trip to listen to Dr Hutchings and Andrew Norris that habitat enhancement sounds exciting I know that the re snagging project around Oakey was a real success.



LAFMA Members & Supporters,


LAFMA Update ...30th May, 2016:-


Mary River Cod  & Bass fingerlings 2016

LAFMA has placed the following fingerling orders for this year's stockings: Wyaralong Dam - 10,000 bass and approx $15.000 worth of Mary River cod fingerlings - depending on price, could be around 8000 fingerlings. 


Bunnings BBQ - Browns Plains  (THIS FRIDAY, 3rd June)

Thanks to regular BBQ cooks, Mark, Don, Glenn, Kevin, Owen & myself, we made around $1500 clear at our Saturday, May 7th BBQ. The boys were kept moving all day.


If you are able to help out with a couple of hours this Friday 3rd June, please advise me ASAP so that we can sort out times. At this stage it is probably just Mark, Glenn, Trevor and myself.


Carp/Tilapia Eradication Comp - 2017

Please note:  The date is now Saturday 18th March 2017 .  ...  first meeting will be around September at Beaudesert RSL


Wyaralong Dam 

I have received an email from Andrew Norris, Senior Fisheries Biologist DAF, stating that he and Dr Michael Hutchison are interested in talking to LAFMA about their recent research results in producing Jungle Perch fingerlings, and also habitat enhancement in impoundments and the benefits to fishing, tourism, and regional economics. Andrew has recently visited fisheries managers in the USA to explore how they manage their impoundment fisheries and what we could do in Australia to improve ours. Habitat enhancement has delivered massive benefits to fishing, tourism and local economies in the USA turning even average and underperforming recreational fisheries into world class fisheries. Similar benefits could be achieved in Qld and he believes that habitat enhancement may be beneficial in Wyaralong.

I will advise when Andrew and Michael are available to speak with us so that those of you that interested can attend ... he is also speaking of the possibility of a Jungle Perch fishery in Wyaralong ..... Stay Posted !


Arts in the Olives & World Environment Day

LAFMA members Charlie and Ross Ladd and yours truly manned the FFSAQ / LAFMA stand at the Arts in the Olives on Mothers Day (Lost World) and as usual were kept quite busy answering questions, mainly about the forthcoming release of the Carp Herpes Virus and will we ever see it released into the Logan & Albert system (one can only hope).  Charlie and I , along with a couple of members from the Moogerah/Maroon Fish Stocking Assoc will be manning the FFSAQ stand at the World Environment Day, Saturday 4/6/16 (Boonah) ... please feel free to join us.


Membership Fees

Membership fees for 2016/17 are now due ... $20 senior member, $40 family membership ... fees can be paid by chq to The Secretary, 21 Finch Street, Eagleby 4207, in person at the general meetings, get someone attending the meetings to pay for you or by direct deposit to Commonwealth Bank BSB 064400, Acct No 10151661


Next General Meeting

There will be no general meeting of the association for June. Next meeting will be held at the Kerry Hall, Kerry on Wednesday 6th July, 2016 commencing at 7pm ... all welcome.





Lloyd Willmann


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