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Kimberly Trip Part 4


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1 hour ago, samsteele115 said:

Incredible trip mate. It took me a long time for all the stories and photos to sink in after catching up on Saturday. What an experience, well done.

@Angus you better get started on this bucket list of yours hahaha

Mate well into it :P NZ Trout, Scottish Trout, PNG Black Bass already ticked off.

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Just got the chance to read everything to go along with the shots.  Sounds like it was a trip of a lifetime and glad that everything went well.  You should consider framing some of those photos as they are really awesome. Love the crocs lurking in the water.  Certainly something that is on the bucket list!

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It averaged out to 1km per litre of fuel. 

We used 1400 litres for 1,400 kms round trip.

We tested 3 different props till we got the most efficient. We also continually watched the fuel consumption on the gauges trying to maximise it by adjusting trim etc. in addition we did most of our travel running with the tides not against them.

In places the tides can run up to 10 knots. The sea rescue guy said they have rescued plenty of southerners that arrive  and launch their car topper with a 10hp motor. They just get swept away by the current and cannot make head way against the tide.

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Thanks for these great reports, Wayne. That really was the adventure of a lifetime. I have been lucky enough to have been invited on a few trips to very remote parts of the Cape which you can only get to by travelling hours by boat, so I understand the planning and excitement that goes along with the anxiety of camping near big croc habitats.  

There is nothing like fishing somewhere that is is so remote that you don't see another boat or any signs of previous visitors, even though you know others have been there. You see some really special things. At least you were smart enough to take lots of great photos.

On our trips we took a spot device for safety. Did you have something similar?

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I highly recommend it to anyone that likes the outdoors. My eldest son Jesse and I have penciled in a trip to the Cape York in the coming years when he has enough holidays :)

We had 2 x satellite  phones and a tracking system called in-reach that send our position every 10 minutes. Brett's wife was tracking out movements daily. 

We knew if anything happened we were on our own, so we took as many precautions as we could.

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