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Confirmation Of Opening Times - Hinze And Wyaralong


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From the SEQ water website:

Opening hours

On Thursday 1 September, the opening hours of our lakes and parks will change to 5:30am to 6:30pm, as part of our year-long trial of extended opening hours. 

We remind visitors to be aware of the changes to the opening hours and plan accordingly. With the exception of the designated camping grounds, you are not permitted to access the areas outside these times unless you have a permit to do so.

The trial hours are:

  • 5.30am - 6.30pm from September to April
  • 6.30am - 5.30pm from May to August 

We will trial the new hours until 30 November 2016. Let us know what you think by calling 1800 737 928 or emailing recreation@seqwater.com.au.

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The actual opening time for hinze relies on a private security firm unlocking the gates as part of their rounds. If they have a break in on one of their properties they may be late but they are normally open by 5am.

 NPD is strictly as per SEQ rules as it is self regulating and you will get a very stern warning if you go in early.

Do not know who opens Wyaralong.

Kurwongbah relies on private security firm.

Mcdonald has no gates.

Baroon pocket used to have automatic gates on a timer. Do not know current status.

Borumba no gates.

Moogerah no gate

Maroon no gate.




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So trial is up in a fortnight or so.

Wonder if they will change it or just let it run on.

Barron pocket has one gated ramp, one without, but the one without is closed due to lack of water at the moment.

Somerset top ramp is gated, but cant say I have ever seen it actually closed. Indeed I often see blokes pulling their boats of  the dam when I roll up around official opening time in summer!

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