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All round fail this morning at the eastern arm of hinze.
Because on last trip to the western arm we wasted so much time finding and relocating the shrimp traps due to the water rising I decided I would head off myself and fix up the pots and have a little fish as well.
Had a heavy shower on the way down and heavy fog going up the hill to the dam but the fog cleared as soon as I hit the crest so all looking good until I hit the reverse switch on the winch to release the boat and the winch worked for about 4 winds of the drum and then stopped.
 Click and that was all . Had a multi meter in the car and motor is open circuit .
Fortunately i have a spare manual winch mounted below the electric one so I was able to launch.
I spent quite a bit of time locating the pots fortunately it is only a week since i was last there so the gps was still showing tracks unlike at the western arm last week.
I then tried to find some bass and only caught one barred grunter.
Cannot remember when I had a donut at hinze.:devil:
When i went to retrieve the boat I found that the spring on the ratchet was broken ( Rusted )
Next problem was that the winch is mounted lower than the electric winch and I could not pull the boat right up to the winch post .
I just secured the safety chain which held the boat on the trailer but about 10 inched behind the post.
 Drove up off the ramp and turned the car around so boat was facing downwards and the boat rolled down to the post.
Luckily I had a few feet of fencing wire  tied onto the draw bar of the trailer for possible running repairs so I was able to twitch the boat hard up to the winch post for the trip home.
First thing when I got home was to purchase another winch on ebay. Hopefully it will arrive on friday.
Wife remarked captain catastrophe rides again.

DSCN0906 (640x480).jpg






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6 hours ago, Luke Landrunner said:

Wouldn't have happened if you had a few bananas on board. :whistle:

I am blaming it on the bananas from an earlier trip.I have fixed the winch it was a solenoid not the motor . I had a spare solenoid at home that I was able to adapt.



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Ht sure looks like a magic morning out there. Pretty rare to see a glassout like that! Ive lost 4 traps that i set 2 days before all the rain. I reckon they are 2 metres under from where i tied them to the trees. Heres a couple of shots i got similar to yours at the ramp.. 




Cheers, Glenn.

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