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NPD Slow Start But Ok Finish.


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Took Andrew and Cameron to NPD this morning. The last time I saw Cameron was at the BRC when I won the viking tempo so it was good to catch up again.Cameron was desperate for a fish having spent the last few years managing a settlement a few hundred miles north of Kalgoolie.

We had plenty of shrimp so we went straight to the drop off where we cleaned up last trip a couple of days ago. Started off ok with 2 X  40cm bass fairly quickly and apart from 2 unders that was it for the first hour with us trying deem and shallow along the length of the drop off.

 We then moved downstream to one of Andrews favorite spots and a steady stream of bass started to come on board.

 You have all heard the saying never leave fish to look for bigger ones. Well it is true

 We tried a lot of other spots and no increase in size and still forkies mixed in with them so back to Andrews spot where we fished until we ran out of bait.

Final score was 75 bass with only around 50 being legal and the largest only 40cm.58f1c3f72d67b_DSCN0969(640x480).jpg.fb01a780c00e4eef6a58fa720d3cb853.jpg

Cameron giving a forkie a little prerelease kiss.

A great day and great company.



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Great to get out for a fish, not been out much this year with 16yo daughter with a part time job (I thought one got paid for this private taxi thing these days.... apparently not)  and the endless driving hours required for a learner.......


Certainly caught enough to make my dodgy elbow ache tonight!


Almost forgot, first fish of the day (and biggest) was a tagged bass, tagged 14 months ago, grown 1cm to 395mm.

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