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Decky Spot Today!


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I am launching today from Bribie Island at 5pm and spending the night on the boat. Then fishing all day Sunday for game fish.

You must not get seasick or snore.

I have enough gear if you don't have any.

Share cost in fuel will be $100 estimated

Let me know asap




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Offshore is not for everyone. Even Jedi's get sick. It's a long day if you don't feel good and to far to come in to drop people off.

I've had no takers, so I guess I'll go "Han solo":ausflag:

So much room to sleep :) 

It just might be a bit of a hand full trying to drive the boat and release a Marlin boat side, (I hope).

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Good luck we were out yesterday north of Hutchison rough morning (headed out from tanagaloma at 2am) but glassed out on the way home 1pmish. 

The 50m line seemed to be producing marlin listening into the bribie game fishing comp vhf 21 water temp 26.8 and blue 

we got 1 maimai 2 undersized who's and 2 tuna :) but no marlin:(

I am am going out over south passage or the pin to fish the 12 high today late start recovery trip but the weather looks to good not to go

looking forward to reading the results of your trip keep us posted


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1 hour ago, Mickfish said:

Good luck we were out yesterday north of Hutchison rough morning (headed out from tanagaloma at 2am) but glassed out on the way home 1pmish. 

The 50m line seemed to be producing marlin listening into the bribie game fishing comp vhf 21 water temp 26.8 and blue 

we got 1 maimai 2 undersized who's and 2 tuna :) but no marlin:(

I am am going out over south passage or the pin to fish the 12 high today late start recovery trip but the weather looks to good not to go

looking forward to reading the results of your trip keep us posted


Let us know how you go as well!

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