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Toorbul Monthly Compy Jan 2018


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The first Toorbul Fishing Club monthly comp was held on Sunday.  My target was whiting.

I fished with my two eldest kids and it was tough going early.  Undersize grunter, moses perch and bream were constantly coming over the side.  Mix in a few rays, long toms and a shovel nose and i didnt have time to sit down.  Each bait which sat for a few minutes was being smashed by Diamond Trevally.  They are everywhere in the middle of the passage and have been for months and are getting quite annoying.

Finally, the whiting came on the bite and we boated 9 within 30mins.  We ran out of time and had to head down to the weigh-in.  Some really nice fish and few decent snapper were caught (boundaries are coochin ck to bongaree jetty).  Pics can be found on their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Toorbul-Fishing-Club-Inc-290853871277564/.

I ended up missing out on the largest whiting by 2 grams :frantics:   There is always next month!  The club is always looking for new members.  Adult membership $20 for the year (mens A grade, B grade, ladies), Juniors $10 and nippers (under 10) $5.  There are currently no juniors fishing but good to see a huge number of nippers getting out there with their parents.  The club work on a handicap system and have cash prizes at each comp.  


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