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Moogerah 11/12/3/18


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Rick and Hayden have  been camping at moogerah caravan park since last Thursday.

They are not too happy with the park managers. They rang around a few parks asking about conditions and what is biting. They were told that the bass and yellas were biting and redclaw and shrimp were plentiful.

The shrimp are plentiful if you are prepared to pay at least $1 each at the kiosk.

The only thing that they have caught in their redclaw traps are a couple of tandans.

Several locals that they have spoken said the shrimp have been scarce for a couple of months and no redclaw for 3 to 4 YEARS.

Rick has been buying his shrimp from Rod at crayfish traders and been getting plenty of bass and yellas from the trees just inside the 6k zone floats.

I went out yesterday arvo with Rick and we got 7 yellas and around 15 bass but we knocked off for an early happy hour and to conserve the shrimp for a good session in the morning.

When we got up we found that the air pump on the shrimp tank had failed and we had around 60 dead shrimp in the tank so we were had to lower ourselves to trolling.

First off to have a go at the gorge but nothing there so back to the treed area where we found a school of bass but no yellas. We ended up with 20 bass between 30 to 40cm before packing it in at 10am as I had to be home by 2pm.

Very cheesed off with the park managers and doubt if we will return .




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The fishing was good and the park is ok but Rick and Hayden could have saved time and effort by not taking redclaw and shrimp traps and relied on buying shrimp from Rob Hutchings.

If the white spot bans were not in place we could have taken shrimp from NPD .



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