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Finaly after 2 weeks and one day, I was back in my boat again. Man flu fading fast, I hope. I didnt want to go to far this morning and was surprised to find fish close to the ramp, only trouble they were not hungry. So I headed off in search of a toga or some edge dwelling bass, well I never got the toga but did manage to get plenty of hungry aussie black bass. They are the ones that live in the weed and nearly turn black.Also managed a nice yella, put a tag in it and sent it on its way.Just made it back to the ramp before the rain got me.












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Nice work mate. Glad you are on the mend.

When I grow up i want to be organised like you. My boat is always full of crap... I think I have to learn to put my toys away after I have played with them. I just seem to get excited and grab something new and... :frantics:

It is really cool to see those purple diving lures always hung in the same spot on the side of the boat. I'm not sure if you just don't use them and they just stay there or if you have everything in its place but it is somehow comforting to see them always there. 

Thanks for the reports. I'm glad it is such a productive waterway. 


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I very rarely cover water without a lure in the water. Although I was edge fishing, sometimes it is a fair distance between spots and rather than go flatout and waist battery power, I prefer to troll in the hope of finding a school on the way. I have found also it pays to take a different route each time you move up or down the dam, otherwise if there is a school sitting in a spot you wouldnt know they were there. Unless you are baitfishing a straight beline to each spot could mean missing out on a lot of fish.


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