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NPD 22/4/18


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First up we did the shrimp traps where the redclaw are a real pest with around 10 small redclaw to each shrimp in the traps.

Fishing wise another productive day with Binder who outfished me by about 2 to 1 .

But at least I am still the tandan champ with a grant total of 2 against his miserable donut.:).

We moved a few times to avoid the smaller bass but the legtals were a bit scarce.

Andrew got the only yella for the day which he released before I had a chance to take a photo.

Final score 90 bass,1 yella , 2 tandans nr round 12 forkies which were fed to percy and the eagles. The eagles appear to have hatched 2 youngsters which were also hunting and the older pair were buzzing percy.

Lots of small gar also hanging around and attacking any shrimp that you left hanging over the side of the boat.



npd 22.4.18 001.JPG

npd 22.4.18 002.JPG

npd 22.4.18 005.JPG

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Not legal to use live or dead redclaw for bait as they are not indigenous  to the area.

It is also not legal to return them to the water.

Only way you can use them for bait is when they are cooked or frozen

When we used to target tilapia we used to pour hot water over them and use the flesh.

New hip on thursday so will try to squeeze in a trip on wednesday.



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2 hours ago, rayke1938 said:

New hip on thursday so will try to squeeze in a trip on wednesday.

Good luck with it mate. They are pretty good at that one now so I hope it goes smoothly for you and you are fishing again within the month. 

That was a great read too. A very busy session. That is great that the eagles have had 2 babies. I bet they enjoyed growing up with the taste of fork tails in there mouths beaks :)


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Just got back the details of the tagged fish. I thought that it had recently been recaptured as the tag number on the tag was clearly visible whilst the rest of the tag was covered with a thick coating. I did not even have to give the tag a wipe to read the number.




npd 22.4.18 004.JPG

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