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SE Qld fishing Charters


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Correct me if I'm wrong

but in the S/E Brissy area there are 2-3 prodominate reef systems offshore the 24's 36's and outwide 50's for full day charters trolling for paleagics

These reefs get hammered every Fishable day of the week by charters

these reefs are not huge very small IMO so cop a huge amount of fishing preasure not only by charters but also us regular fisho's who maybe lucky to go out once a week weather permitting :(

I hear the cry coming we have the right to earn a living earn it how is my answer take people out to a raped reef and rely on migatory fish winter snapper/ summer what ever spotties etc if the tide is wrong or the moon is not right the fact remains charters so use pics of fish coaght to intice us of our hard earned dollars not failures

the failures are due to their constant hammering of their own existant

IMO there is no way that a commercial charter givin the limited ground's can survive



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i dont understand why there are not lots of artificial reefs being built surely they do no harm just attract fish and other sealife anyone know why this isnt happening. i have to agree with you GAZ in the 20 yrs ive been fishing around brizzie theres deffinately been a decline of most species and trying to run a charter would be very hard other than just steaming to the shelf and trying to pick things up on the edge away from others i have no idea how they could come up with the goods very often may be we should donate all old house bricks push bikes and cars to the soon to be started afo reef and make our own away from the proposed closed zones and get it ready for then:side:

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faulked wrote:

i dont understand why there are not lots of artificial reefs being built surely they do no harm just attract fish and other sealife anyone know why this isnt happening.

There are alot of application things that you have to go through before you can authorise an artificial reef. I saw it one TV once;) . I think the Gold Coast is currently fighting for one, but it takes a long time:(

Stupid really:dry: , it will attract alot of fish and other marine life which will equal more tourism and fishing, which will inturn equal more money for the local council/government:S. Artificial reefs would probably be better than the Moreton Bay closures.

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Heaps of people used to do it in South Australia. I went out there many years ago chasing snapper and it was so old school. No one used GPS, they could just use corresponding land marks to find their \"reefs\" which were basically crap loads of old tires that old fishos had dropped down there.

Seriously they'd be like. Ok when those trees over there are at a right angle to that mountain over there we'll be over my reef :P

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I totally agree Gaz, And the new so called ban zones-well how do the propose to moniter these?

If what i think is about to take place is that they will have some kind of regular patrols out there to fine those fishing in banned zones than surely i have a better sollution and seriously correct me if im wrong of feel free to give and opinion on my comment but, Would'nt it seem eaisier to not have any banned zones and to reduce the bag limits and size limits to more sensible guidelines ie:

RED EMPEROR - 5 @ 55cm should be 2 @ 55cm

COBIA(black kings) 10 @ 75cm should be 2 @ 90cm

YELLOW TAIL KINGS unlimited @ 50 cm should be max 5 @ at least 60cm

MULLOWAY 10 @ 45cm LMFAO good luck getting 1 however 1 is surely enough at greater than 75cm

and that really is the tip of the offshore iceburg I mean surely lets be realistic who here is not guilty at one stage of throwing out a fish thats been sitting in the freezer for 2 months or more and tell me most of these species are rare and it's a wonder why, Even though mulloway are a prized catch and are quite rare in Queensland waters compared to southern waters it just seems ludicrious to keep 10 FFS i know the 1 mulloway i caught @ 8.6 kgs was 1000mm long and seriously fed 7 very hungry ppl, And for most familys it prolly would of been 2 Really good meals. Where do i stop NIL limits on whiting, sand flathead, tarwhine, bream. Tell me this is not ridiculouse, I mean if they were about to spend all this money on patrols then why not just do random stops on your catch more frequently seems fair to me nothing to hide not guilty here. A friend and i caught about 10 at least 3-6 KG slatey at curtain artificial a few monts back we only kept 1 each and it was enough however we could of eaisly kept all 10, What a JOKE!!. Something must be done or there will be nothing left even with banned zones...

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guys dont confuse banned areas (green zone) with bag limits and fish management, there not on the same wave length, its about no fishing at all.

confused there is a lot of milf fish around because there easy to catch and nobody wants them

why dont u complain about unregulated pro fishing while your at it instead of pointing the finger at rec fishos

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mackmauler wrote:

guys dont confuse banned areas (green zone) with bag limits and fish management, there not on the same wave length, its about no fishing at all.

confused there is a lot of milf fish around because there easy to catch and nobody wants them

why dont u complain about unregulated pro fishing while your at it instead of pointing the finger at rec fishos

Well put Mackmauler

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