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strugling at the logan river need help


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Hey all,

its ashame my first post has to be so dismal but i need a little help.

i fished the logan river regularly now for the past 12 months or so as this area is nice and heandy, also venturing to the lower parts of the bay in search of a nice jew, snapper, squire, anything other than a stingy or cattie would be nice. Ive listened to all advise given by friends and family with all sorts of bait and tactics used. Live, dead, unweighted, weighted, under float. Mullet, prawns, pillies, yabbie's you get the point.

And after all money spent on boat and fuel over 12 months to come up with not a great deal other than the odd flatty for bream im starting to lose faith in my favoured past time.

Please i need some advise from someone who knows the area. Put me onto the big ones.

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Mate you are not alone with the Logan, I live between the Logan and the Albert, so I suppose you can call em my locals, and more often then not I struggle.

Here's a cuople of ideas.

I find the Albert more productive, it has a higher concentration of bait schools and mullet.

Have you got a cast net yet? If not get one and cast away in the Albert from the Navy Squad house behind the skate park to the highway. Here you'll find plenty of live mullet and prawns.

Use the live mullet under wire and you should get plenty of sharks from now till Easter. Use the prawns at night for rier perch, jew and flatties.

Last winter a mate caught 60+ bream with live white bait he netted in the Albert. Unweighted with a long shank 1/0. The bait died straight away but the bream loved em.

Go light and short shank for winting on the eastern sand bank just before the narrow passage. You know the bank that get's dry at low tide, tuck in between the northern main land and the bank. It's about 20' wide but it's a chanel and the whiting school up there.

But here's the best tip, after all the rain we have had lately don't bother, it's too fresh. The big tides will help (full moon) but there is still a lot of fresh coming down from the back country.

I'll give you a heads up next time I go sharking and you can tag along if you like. I'm no expert but I am learning more every season.:)

Hope it helps.

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Do a search there are plenty of posts such as this that will help you.



Catching jew in the Logan River .Nuggets tips 4 Months, 3 Weeks ago Karma: 59

I thought that there was a hints and tips section but I cant find it so if this is in wrong place maybe one of the mods will move it for me.

I went along to Nuggets seminar at Leisure marine last night and the following is a precis of his session.

Marks rocks.

This spot is best around one hour each side of the tide.

Spot 1.

this one best last hour of run out. Anchor level with green bouy and cast lightly weighted livey upstream and leave tide wash downstream there is a logjam just downstream and jew site here.

If you sus the area out just before low water you will see the current ripple created by the jam. The ripple is actually downstream of the jam so allow for this when anchoring.

Spot 2.

Marks rocks themselves. One hour either side of tide . You can see the rocks at low water and they extend out a fair way under the water. The secret is to find the edge of the rocks where the fish sit. If you are getting snagged you are too close so you need to move out a bit but if you go too far no fish. So the ideal spot is a long cast will get snagged and a short one will Float the bait in the strike zone next to the rocks.

Spot 3

Prawn farm drains.

The prawn farm drain their ponds on the first of the run out tide and if you are lucky enough to be there when they start to drain the first half hour of the drain being open will attract the jew to this area. After they have been open for half an hour the fish move on.

Pitt Rocks.

This area is marked by the Gazebo and fishes best on a run in tide.

Anchor up 2 boat lengths out from a leaning dead gum tree with orchids growing in it.

Cast downstream with a lightly weighted livey and leave the tide wash it upstream, retrieve and cast out again. You will be anchored in about 30 ft of water and just in front to the Gazebo the rocks extend out into the river where the water is only 10 ft deep. The fish sit just along this ledge.

The junction.

This is a hot spot 2 days after the start of westerly winds.Just downstream of the Junction of the logan and albert rivers on the southern side of the river are a couple of houses. In front of the houses is the area where the fish congregate but only 2 days after the westerly.

I was going to try this spot on Friday as westerlys are forecast to Commence tonight but I have been informed that we are going to esk for the weekend. So maybe someone else can check it out.

Nugget prefers live mullet around 6 inches long and fishes with 30lb mono. 8 0 hooks attaches the fish through the bottom jaw and just uses a pea sinker straight above the hook.

When he uses banana prawns he also threads a few up the line . I would assume they are dead with the livey on the hook.

When using Soft Plastics he prefers worm style ones in dark colours and around 8 inches long.

Thats about all I can remember . Happy jewing.


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