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Varsity Lakes Gold Coast Fish tomorrow


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Hi Guys,

Got the day off work tomorrow and have decided last minute to head the lakes for a bream fish. Given that it will probably be raining, I hope the fish will still be on the bite.

Going around midday till sunset.

Does anyone regularly fish down at the Gold Coast and have excellent success?

I have had such little success with bream on plastics and would like some help! PLEASE!!!

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Mate i dont fish the goldy much but would love to fish more of those land locked lakes. Please let us know how you go.

From the reports I have small hard bodies (Jakal Chubbies, SX40's, Smith Camions), seem to get more bream down there. But then again the plastic men might disagree with that.

Hopefully we will have some very very sweet 45mm and 50mm breaming lures in the shop very soon :)

Good luck mate.


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i have fished down there before it has some grate bream in there the same goes for burliegh lake witch is not to far away

fish as shalow as pos if it is over cast if sunny try a bit deeper try and fish the sand it may look like there a no fish but there is and fish very light as is the go with the gold coast bream

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