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Fishing Photography


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Hi all, not sure if anyone can help. My wife is a great photographer (not professional - good amateur) with a great DSLR and loads of lenses filters and so on. She normally photographs people - kids in particular and has placed well in some comps etc. I suggested that she might like to come on a trip and shoot some fish pics - good for my fishing range and some fun together. Does anyone have some good experience with fishing photos that I could leverage? Her composition is fantastic - I think she would benefit from some technical advice (f stops, shutter speeds, general stuff).

Thanks in advance!

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hi mate. I know a bit about the technical aspects of photography (composition, exposure, perspective, aperture etc;) I have a Canon 400d and like to take a pic or two. dropped my telephoto lens in the creek behind my house the other day though which was a very expensive accident :ohmy: If you want to have a look of some of my pics there is some here: Link: My pics

Would be glad to help if needed

Cheers, Brett

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Thanks Bretto - sorry to hear about the lens. I had a look at some of your pics - great stuff! What I'm looking to understand are any techniques that make fish look great - ie are there some sort of standards? I was thinking about using a 50mm f1.8 prime to get up close and personal and have some blur in the background. But then, most of the fishing mags seem to like to show off a bit of where they are, so obviously a smaller aperture on probably a longer lens. I've got a 75-300mm zoom which may be the go, just not sure though of "the done thing". Any help appreciated.


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