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red claw tips any one?


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Hey guys,

I have just about got my tank ready at home and thinking about puttin some red claw in there, has any one got any tips for me about keeping them in tanks. also how long should you leave your traps to catch them? also are they found in most creeks and stuff? i also wanna catch some for a feed to try as well so best bait you have found would be good too.


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I used to have red claws in a 5 foot tank, I had a few PVC pipes hidden amongst the rock display, They were happy in there , Kept a few feeder fish in there for em and dropped a bit of kidney and heart for a feed. I had them breeding in the tank so i think They were happy enough,

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ahhh i luv yabbies - i've had heaps from cherax destructor (smooth shelled sou-east aus crayfish)to the red claws i rescued from a mates barra tank ..

i found the redclaws grew to fast and big for my liking - they easily get out of the tank, where as the charax destructor and similar types tended to stay smaller. all mine were caught from the nerang river and red claws from fish shops

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We've been keeping Yabbies for a long time:cheer:

Personally, I would go for the Blue Claw(Cherax destructor), That's all we've had, and they're cool little guys.

One thing that is very important is make the tank 100% escape proof. They are bloody strong and can push things aside and climb out of the tank pretty easily.

A good thing to do is only keep 1 or 2, that way they'll grow noticebly. Also, try keeping a few feeder fish in there with them, about 20 or so is good in a small tank. Local creeks have a few, but try not to get the noxious types. These feeder fish will get taken pretty regurally.

Best food for them are Earthworms, but if you can't get them, dog food works well as well (like the hard dog biscuit ones).

Last thing, if you want a feed, take Redclaw, you'll become too attached to the Blue-claw to be able to eat them:D honestly

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I've had mine in a tank since the Awoonga trip of '06. (Brian caught her, and Alex snavelled her from the bait tank)

She pretty much eats any meat you have for dinner, likes the odd bit of fruit, and loves Baroon Pocket weed. She turns a tank full of it into confetti in days. Makes an awful mess and clogs the filter!

I have a smaller female in there as well, got her in a batch of live shrimp, grown from about an inch to nearly 4 inches long in 6 months.

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