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Fishing Schulz Canal today 23/9/08???


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g'day guys, i am heading down to schulz this arvo for a avro sesh with hb's and a few plastics, feel free to tag along and learn a bit on where to fish. I will be down where to bridge is at about 2:00 will stay there till about 2:30 then i will move down to a fwe productive spots. If yo are keen on going for a fish PM me or reply here. If you are going to arrive later please give me a call on my mobile(its on my profile page). Cheers nic

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Very tempting mate,

But my rod and tackle are in my wife's car and shes at work:( Funny thing is I forgot to take the bait out of her car yesterday as well. She'll love me when she jumps in her hot, smelly car after she knocks off:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

What ya doing tomorrow? I'll be fishing some where if ya keen?

I mite even give Bli Bli Barra park a ring and see if they are open yet?:huh: Anyone keen??

Good luck this arvo mate;)


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i beleive the barra park is open a friend of mine went there on the weekend and nailed a fair few barra. If you want you can use some of my gear if your keen?

so far it looks like i am doing nothing tomorrow, and i am tempted into fishing since its school hols, i will have too see

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