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RRFF public meetings


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Hi guys and girls just a reminder that the Rocky Reef Fin Fish public consultion meetings are under way and the Redcliff one is on wednesday night 7pm-9pm at Redcliff leagues club in the dolphin room lev 2 crn Klinger and ashmole rds Kipparing, this is your chance to have a voice the more rec fishos there the louder the voice

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AZZA wrote:

Hi guys and girls just a reminder that the Rocky Reef Fin Fish public consultion meetings are under way and the Redcliff one is on wednesday night 7pm-9pm at Redcliff leagues club in the dolphin room lev 2 crn Klinger and ashmole rds Kipparing, this is your chance to have a voice the more rec fishos there the louder the voice
azza, i was at a meeting the other night,the mail has it that there will be a closed time for certain types of fish from may to september, only certain dates between these months,not the entire time, snapper sizes will increase, as to what, i don't know.. these people making the decisions from behind their desks in air conditioned office will surely do whats best!*#@ after all they are the ones that know, just ask any one of them ???? interesting times ahead:huh: :ohmy: :(
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Thats why it is important that we get off our ass and get along to these meeting to show that we want our voice heard as these wallys dont go on forums and read our views , anglers are their own worst enemy because they sit in the pub/boat and bitch and moan but dont stand up to be counted , then sit in the boat/pub/forum and whinge that they didn't get a say in the outcome , thats my rant:angry: any body that wants a lift to go to the meeting just sing out

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i went to the meeting at manly early this year, and guess who was there,nobody that's who, well nobody that could answer any of the questions put to them, bloody secretaries. i also went on the boat rally in the brizzy river, and the tow you boat through town thing as well. i'm over it. i would however, be prepared to tow my boat into town with others, it would be interesting if we all got flat tyres in the middle of town at the same time, with banners on the boats, and as long as the boats are regestered, it's all legal too, my, and only my opinion is if you want to whisper about certain issues, have a meeting, if you want to YELL about certain issues create KAOS but that's just my opinion


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I'm not as threatened by the Fin Fish Review as the Rezoning issue because I reckon it's more likely to have a positive impact on sustainability. (Whereas the Greenzone crap is just that - a load of hot steamy green ****)

Having said that there are a few things that seem a bit over the top too. Unfortunately not enough to get me screaming.

Like you said lethargy is the fishermans greatest enemy. I was surprised at the lack of enthusiasm and support to do or attend anything like the boat rally etc when that issue was hot.

In the end that seems to have been in vain as almost firm decisions had been made well before any protest was thought of. I reckon this issue is probably just the same - that's why you don't get anyone of significance from them at these meetings. They're simply paying us lip service.

Rob, You may remember Macnamara saying at the boat rally at Newstead that we could put in all the submissions we liked but there was no intent to change much at all.:angry: :angry: :angry:

Was a hoot of a time to be in the washpool that was the river that day:woohoo: :laugh:

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ellicat wrote:

I'm not as threatened by the Fin Fish Review as the Rezoning issue because I reckon it's more likely to have a positive impact on sustainability. (Whereas the Greenzone crap is just that - a load of hot steamy green ****)

Having said that there are a few things that seem a bit over the top too. Unfortunately not enough to get me screaming.

Like you said lethargy is the fishermans greatest enemy. I was surprised at the lack of enthusiasm and support to do or attend anything like the boat rally etc when that issue was hot.

In the end that seems to have been in vain as almost firm decisions had been made well before any protest was thought of. I reckon this issue is probably just the same - that's why you don't get anyone of significance from them at these meetings. They're simply paying us lip service.

Rob, You may remember Macnamara saying at the boat rally at Newstead that we could put in all the submissions we liked but there was no intent to change much at all.:angry: :angry: :angry:

Was a hoot of a time to be in the washpool that was the river that day:woohoo: :laugh:

yes i do remember that being said, oh yeah i loved it in the tinnie, i had to behave as coppers were right beside me lol
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Well went along to the meeting last night , after showing us some graphs showing the decline in snapper stocks from 1945 to 2010 odd , it was not welcomed when I pointed out that the graph was BS as there was no data on fish stocks piror to 1996 and after 2006. But the guts of the meeting is that control measures will be brought in and the favored ones are seasonal closures 3-4 months a year, area closures , and a recording and reporting syestem for all rec fishing . These restrictions will be on all rocky reef fin fish, snapper, pearl pearch, trag jew, cobia,mahi mahi and others. so get onto the dpi web site and fill out the "have your say" form by 20th oct

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i am all for the closed periods for these types of fish, how ever the report and record system will NEVER work, i have spoken to people on the end of these phone numbers with all the information needed, and they can't do a thing, i should say won't do a thing, as they might have to do some paperwork.

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Yes that's right as well as outlets that sell bait, tackle and boats ,will all be affected and people wil still want to go fishing so that will put increased pressure on other fishing areas , then more closures to combat that, and cylce continues

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Meeting on at Viccy Point tonight. Here is copy of email from Fishhead.


RayThe DPI will be presenting information regarding the fishery and will be there to answer questions you may have.

Time: 7pm – 9pm

Date: 9th October, 2009

Venue: Sharks Sports Club

325 Colburn Ave


It is very important to have as many recreational fishers there as possible.

If you can’t make it to the meeting then it is important to still have your say. You can go online to


or drop into the store and pick up one of the forms to fill in.

All response forms must be sent back by 5pm on Monday 20th October, 2008. Basically you have one week left!

Don’t miss out.



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to cut to the chase,I`m of the beleif,that while you have a labour government kiissing greenie butt,we and many others will be shafted.While you have a EPA department,being controlled by these forces,making decisions out side of their area of relivance,and being guided by theoritical,unproven,hype we will be continuosly shafted.

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The closures they are proposeing are 4 months x 5years or 3 months x 10 years and as sure as pooh stinks if a closure is in for that long it wont be lifted , this doesn't just mean off shore snapper it is all rocky reef fin fish in all qld waters

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