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baiting live prawns


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Depends on how big the Prawn is... If it's fairly small and fishing for Bream and the like, I'll put a small hook through the tail.

If it's a large Prawn and I'm after bigger game Thread fin or Jew I'll snell a coule of 3/0's together and have one through the tail and the top one through the Prawns back, just under the shell. If you try the same way make sure you have enough line between the 2 hooks so the Prawn can still swim unhinderd etc.

Ellicat has a photo of how I do it, He uses it as his avtar sometimes;)


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yeah i got some yesterday at jindalee in the cast net.

I was hooking them through the tail.

I pierced the soft underside and then out through the top shell. I was wondering if there was a better technique as a few got pinched straight off the hook. I was also finding they werent moving around much or staying alive long, but i think that could have been due to the strong current.

when baiting them though the tail do you do through the flesh of the tail or through the fin bit?

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thats beautiful fonz, i cant even imagine why you have that image on hand!!

so you go across the body just under the shell then?

when in a strong current they seem to just straighten out and not flick around alot, i guess its best to just try use them in a more sheltered spot??

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chubbstar wrote:

Depends on how big the Prawn is... If it's fairly small and fishing for Bream and the like, I'll put a small hook through the tail.

If it's a large Prawn and I'm after bigger game Thread fin or Jew I'll snell a coule of 3/0's together and have one through the tail and the top one through the Prawns back, just under the shell. If you try the same way make sure you have enough line between the 2 hooks so the Prawn can still swim unhinderd etc.

Ellicat has a photo of how I do it, He uses it as his avtar sometimes;)


Supertuned Chubbstar style - SupertunedPrawnA.jpg

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werewolf wrote:

What the heck are you wasting a prawn that big for bait! A dozen or two of em at that size and you have a good feedB)

There is a lot more to gain from large Prawns than just bait and eating. I was told by a mate that he has a great deal going for just 1 Prawn that size.

No names mentioned:P


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