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Summary of Current Issues

Terry H

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Ok guys - just changed this thread over, figured I'll include a list of small 'issues' regarding the layout. As people post in this area I'll include it into the list, just to summarise these points.

Current 'Issues':

[li]Colour of Send button in PMs[/li][li]Users Viewing list for a particular thread can get too long and wraps around to the next line[/li][li]Latest Forum Posts appears on the right hand side for some sections of the forum - ie after hitting Recent Discussions, but not Categories.[/li][li]Shop Prices appear to be almost twice as much as before the new site - AFO Jackets and shirts at $96[/li][li]Clicking the "Add CC: line" checkbox in the PM system appears to do nothing (should this open up another line to enter CCs to?)[/li]No, it is actually working correctly. When you click on CC what it does is let the people (it will only work if you send a PM to more than one person) you send it to know who else was sent that PM. It will only work if you send a pm to more than one person obviously.[li]Some people are reporting the page jumping back up to the top of the page when scrolling down[/li]


[li]Changing the Arrow for quick replys back to the text[/li]

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yeah, got heaps of little tinkering with the 'design' and 'layout'. First priority was to successfully migrate databases and restore site functionality.

Now over the next week or two we can iron out these other 'design' issues.

Please let us know any issues like these you come across so we can put it on our list to do.


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One thing im not fussed on is when im viewing in flat view (which i think most people prefer) Instead of showing latest forum posts in shows anglers online but when u view it in threaded view the latest posts show? Id much rather see latest posts rather then anglers online.

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Yeah, it's not limited to just the kayaks - but that's what poitned it out:)

Angus when things are fixed if you could edit the first post and make a note that it's fixed, that'd be tops. That way you and webby can see what's been fixed pretty easily without having to remember:)

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threadybuster I'm sure there will be some minor tweaks, like maybe including the list of recent threads on the right above the list of users. Who knows, I'm sure webby will be working on the minor layout things in due time after some of the more concerning matters are taken care of :)

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