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Getting started on sharking


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Hi Folks

Im looking for a bit of advice on getting started with respect to shark fishing.

What type of gear will I need? Does it have to be too heavy? Or could you get away with say 30 pound line and wire trace?

What type of sharks are in the river apart from Bulls? can you get them anywhere along the river or do you need to target them in specific reaches?

Any advice, as always, greatly appreciated.



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Cheers for the links.

Didnt realise that the majority were so small(ish) could start tonight!

The wifes doing my head in though to do normal stuff tonight! :(

I reckon im going to have to bite the bullett and hook one of those cats or bream up! :(

Reckon I'll put them out thier misery though, all that hooking through eye sockets seems a bit much for me to be honest, no offence like.

Again, thanks a lot, im really looking forward to targetting them along with my other fishing.

Reckon threadfin are off the menu just now! Ive getting the shark bug!

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jamie have you caught a pike eel yet?

kill one and fillet it

they make the best cut bait for sharks in the river(strong smell)

i've had a mate land a 115 cm thready on a slice of pike eel fillet in my boat

but you will get alot more with live bait

c'mon paint your face blue and jam the hook through its back you can do it;)

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Ha! ha!

Cheers for the replies.

Funnily enough I used to livebait for Pike back home and the difference in the results were dramatic.

I did catch a pike eel once, and I cut the bloody line, it was like the channel tunnel.

I thought it was going to climb up the boardwalk and chase me back to my flat, it was enormous! :woohoo:

I reckon it would have been 50-50 who would have killed who in that one.

Great to hear that it caught a thready, thats the first ive heard of a thready being caught on anything other than a SP or live bait, so next Pike Eel is a goner, hopefully smaller though.

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mullet and winter whiting would work better than a bream for the majority of small sharks in the river.

Also as for what other sharks are in the river not much really except for shovel nose sharks. They get pretty big though cowfish got one around 1.9m to the tip at the sunken wall near pinkenba on a live mullet.

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The 30lb and wire trace will be more than enough.

I like to suspend my livies under a float, keep them off the bottom and away from the crabs. They quickly turn a livie in to dead bait!

I've heard others say the same about dead bait as well, hang it off a float to keep it away from the crabs.

There is no legal size on catties, if you use them as livies do yourself a favour and break off their fin spikes first! Make sure you have a hook near the tail as the sharks often take the tail off behind the fins (smart enough to keep away from the spikes)

If you use bream as a livie (my favourite) minimum legal length still applies, so 23cm or a little bigger is the size to use.

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Another question.

Ive got a bait runner on one of my reels. When I left it off something screamed away and left me with a birds nest and no fish.

I used to do this for pike back home but Im reluctant to use it again incase the same thing happens.

Would you guys advice just to leave the bail arm open or have a very loose drag, then tighten when hooking the fish up?



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Angus wrote:

Hey mate.

Have a read of this.


Cheers Angus, ive got that in my favourites now for future reference, one of the lads posted it earlier.

Jeff, cheers for the tip about the bait runner, never even knew what that ring was! :blush:

Would love to get out tonight and throw a small bream on but the missus isnt having it, got to sit in and watch tv with her parents! :(

Cant even take them to the pub coz they dont drink, 3 weeks of this man! :( :(

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