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Brays Rock, Caloundra, plenty of small fun

Terry H

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Got up to the boat ramp near kings at 5, waited for al since he was a bit late B)

Anyway, got all set up and read to head out and someone forgot their mirage drive :woohoo: silly person! :silly: :lol:

Anyway, I pedalled off and headed over to brays, Al got so far then went back for his mirage drive (had to get his missus to drop it off!)

I was looking for some yakkas to live troll, but after no luck for 15 minutes I saw some bait getting harassed, so on went the slug and I fired a few cast off. First up a 41cm (I think, feel free to correct me:)) Big Eye Trev - a first, for me.

not really much of a fight on 30lbs so I dropped down to my 8lbs stick and started firing off more casts. yep on again! you beauty this is going nuts and no one is here but me :lol:

Then pulled in an nice kingie at 52cm. man they go hard, another first for me, and good fun on 8lbs.

Kept firing off casts and before too long bang! Yep on again, this time a small mac tuna.

Al finally arrived, although despite me yelling "OI AL HURRY THE F*** UP.. FISH!" "FISH" "OI AL" "OIIII FIIIIISSSHHHHH" He apparently didn't care and just kept making his way over in a leasurily manner. :lol:

So we hung around for a while, pulled up another mac tuna, al got a couple and a couple of other yakkas arrived on the scene, one picked up a nice little mackeral, wow what a mixture of species here today! Somewhere along the line I picked up a small bream near brays and also dropped a squire - it took my sx 40, and those trebles aren't really snapper worthy...

After a while I decided to head off towards Currimundi reef, but before too long al saw some nice structure with fish holding on it, so al droped a plastic on its head while I just sat and watched

Then he pulls up a small grassy so I quickly rig up on a 1/2 oz jighead with a 6" atomic jerkshad, and before too long pull out a nice mid 40s squire

Then we start to head back, and whats taht? more bust ups... lets check it out! I flick out first, yep I'm on! then shortly after "yep me too"

We both pull a couple of small mac tunas the yaks. Then we try and chase down the school again,I get one cast at them and thats it they're gone.

SO I head off in the direction I think they went, and found them again, Al's way behind, dunno what he's doing - all I know is I'm after more of these fun little fish :woohoo: I see they're just within casting range flick it out and bang! woo on again haha - try to signal al but alas nothing

Final tally for me; 4 or 5 mac tuna (small buggers) kingy (52) big eye (41), small bream

And three pairs of undie changes. (not literally)


I was about 40m away from the breaking stuff at brays in what I though was deeper water, when holy s*** a 1.5m wave is looking like its about to break, I'm all alone about a kilometre offshore with fishing gear all out and open on the kayak - crap! managed to turn and gun it quick enough while the wave just sat up, looking like it was ready to break at any moment.

Same thing happened on the way back to the ramp, was way away from the normal breakers, then a bigger wave than the one mentioned above lokoed ready to break, I'm fully side on with literally everything out open man I owuld have lost a lot lol. This wave sat up long enough and broke 10m after it passed me. Hooray for shallow FLAT bottoms lol. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Terrys_41cm_big_eye_AFO.jpg

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Heh WTF, where did you get those piccy's from Midget??, you didn't have your camera today ya pelican. I took all the piccys, remember. I like my report better, lol. Now I'm off to the naughty chair now for leaving my mirage drive at home, need to give thanks to SWMBO tonight :kiss:



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Biggles wrote:

Heh WTF, where did you get those piccy's from Midget??, you didn't have your camera today ya pelican. I took all the piccys, remember. I like my report better, lol. Now I'm off to the naughty chair now for leaving my mirage drive at home, need to give thanks to SWMBO tonight :kiss:



Well I didn't have a camera.... But I wasn't catching a couple of fish I've never caught without a photo - so I took my phone out lol

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Beefa wrote:

One disadvantage with the hobie outfitter not having that big front storage hatch to put rods and gear underneath and out the way. Awesome days fishing guys nice work.

Ask al - I don't store anything away :laugh:

Where we launch from at caloundra is very sheltered.

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