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Barwon Banks 1 Dec


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Headed out to Barwon Banks bright and early this morning. We left home at about 1:30am to be out there on sunrise.

Despite the spectacular forecast the ride out was a bit ordinary with a fair bit of chop. Conditions were quite nice all day but drift fishig was tough as he northerly breeze on top of the current made us drift too quick at about 3-4kph.

Once we hit our mark a ledge rising up to 30m from 45m we dropped our lines baited with pillies on top of good shows. (A few days ago I had a put a top shot of around 100m of 10kg mono on my tyrnos 20's and 30's to provide a bit more shock absorbtion for trolling.) I was quickly reminded how badly mono sucks for fishing deeper water.

First drop I hook up on a little Aj of around 3-4kg. I didn't even feel it until i started to bring in my line to check my bait. Just as I got it to the boat two dolphins showed up. I tried to spear it into he water away from them but they were on to it straight away. The poor thing tried cowering around the outboard motor but eventually got nailed.

The next few drifts we picked up a couple of snappery squire before we got the sh!ts with not being able to feel bites. By this stage there was a fair bit of surface action nearby with stupid numbers of flying fish leaping out of the water and schools of jellybean mactuna busing up around us. We deployed my newly acquired spread of pakula skirted lures and trolled them around bait aggregations for 3 or 4 hours. Not a single touch. Eventually got bored and switched over to Halco Laserpros and X-raps. About 15 minutes later we trolled up a little mac tuna. half an hour later the pink laser pro goes of at a rapid pace. Soon after we had a very nice wahoo around the 20kg mark just out of gaff range. It took one more run and threw the hooks.:(

About an hour later we called it quits as we were running low on fuel. Had a decent ride home as the wind swung around from NE at about 15knots.

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