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I wanna catch a Jack


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I want, no... i NEED to catch a mangrove jack and i'm after some tips. I mainly fish Deepwater Bend at Pine River and I'm land based. Is there any hope for me at Pine? especially being boatless? I've heard of people catching Jacks in Pine River and up around Hornibrook bridge. I would be grateful for any tips re: tackle, bait and locations. So far I got: Mugy/hot weather is good, just before a storm hits? strong line/leader. Is live bait essential? any other suggestions would be appreciated

Cheers guys

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im not sure about the pine river ,but i fish tingalpa creek alot for jacks..up nere the mouth is good if you have a boat any were along the river into capalaba is really good .best place to try would be around molle rd....i use live prawns and small mullet wich i get on the day with a cast net.or i just throw out some hard body lures.

hope this helps

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Do you get many flyfish1972 ? ive tried there once for jacks but did not good.

The pine does hold a few, deep water bend is greatly fishing pressured and i doubt would hold jacks, your best bet is to go exploring in the more upper reaches and send some livebaits into the dirtyest looking snags you can find.

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i do get a few ,biggest is around 4 to 5 lb.tingalpa creek hold some of the best holes ive seen .nere mole rd you can find water at 4 ft and drops of to 15ft,there are many beds and holes in this creek.you just have to walk around and see for ya self.at night we fish there for bull sharks and weve had some real big sharks in the water..but back to the jacks,tingalpa creek is a good place for land based,we have also caught bream to 4lbd on plastics while fishing for jacks .

i tend to fish real close to the bank drifting bait or putting in live bait right inside the snags.my rule if your not loosing tackle the you ar not close enough to the fish..this creek hold alot of mangroves so it is prime condition for jacks..there are many access points for fishing if you put in the work i garintee you will get a jack......i fish this creek alot as its only five mins from home...if ya need any more info please ask,more than happy to help

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